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On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo

In the case between Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) and Craig Wright (known as Satoshi Satoshi), the court released part of the records, including some of Satoshi Nakamoto’s email records that had never been released before. Just yesterday, BitcoinMagazine editor Rizzo published several court records related to Satoshi Nakamoto’s email records.The earliest one was the email conversation between Adam Back and Satoshi Nakamoto, with a total of 5 emails.The earliest email was 4 months before the birth of Bitcoin. It is a very precious historical record for Crypto people.Let me briefly introduce the encryption OG who talked with Satoshi Nakamoto - Adam Back: Adam Back, born in July 1970, is a British cryptographer, cryptopunk, and co-founder and CEO of Blockstream. Adam Back's most famous contribution is the creation of Hashcash, which plays a decisive role in the Proof Of Work part of Bitcoin. ADA founder Charles Hoskinon had always believed that Adam met all the conditions of Satoshi Nakamoto. But Adam's early Twitter profile included the sentence "Bitcoin is hashcash extended with inflation control/Bitcoin is an extension of hashcash with inflation control."This makes many Bitcoin advocates unhappy, but Adam’s contribution to Bitcoin is irrefutable.

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Adam Back's early Twitter profile

The first email was sent to Adam by Satoshi Nakamoto on August 20, 2008. The content was that Satoshi was going to quote Adam’s Hashcash paper and introduced him to the earliest idea of ??“Bitcoin”. The described characteristics have already been It is almost the same as Bitcoin now. It’s just that the title is not the original “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, but “Electronic Cash without a Trusted Third Party”.

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Satoshi Nakamoto’s first email to Adam

The second email was a reply from Adam, recommending the "B-Money" paper by another cryptography expert Wei Dai to Satoshi Nakamoto.

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Adam’s first reply

"B-money" is another distributed electronic cash idea proposed by Chinese-American Wei Dei earlier than Bitcoin. However, due to the difficulty of designing and implementing it, it ultimately stayed in the theoretical stage. “B-Money” has always been considered the spiritual forerunner of Bitcoin.Another little-known fact is: ETH's gas price unit is Gwei, 1ETH=10 to the 18th power Wei, which means that Wei is the smallest unit of Ethereum, and this Wei is derived from the name Wei Dai.

And later, in Satoshi Nakamoto’s email disclosed in the Bitcoin forum, Satoshi Nakamoto said to Wei Dai:“Bitcoin will expand your idea into a complete working mechanism”"I think it achieves almost all the goals you set out in B-money".

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Satoshi Nakamoto was directed by Adam to contact Wei Dai

The third email was a reply from Satoshi Nakamoto. He stated that he had never seen the "B-Money" page and explained the main innovations of Bitcoin.

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Satoshi Nakamoto’s reply

The fourth email was Adam's apology for not having read the white paper sent by Satoshi Nakamoto, and he recommended another "MicroMint" paper by Satoshi Nakamoto.

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Adam's apology

The final fifth email was that Satoshi Nakamoto thanked Adam for his help and stated that the open source implementation of Bitcoin v0.1 had been released.

On the eve of the birth of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamo
Satoshi Nakamoto releases Bitcoin v0.1

Interestingly, Adam said in the future that he began to pay attention to the development of Bitcoin again at the end of 2012. Bitcoin rose from US$13.6 at the beginning of 2013 to US$113 on April 18, when Adam entered the Bitcoin forum. Later, Adam raised 21 million seed funds in 2014 to create Blockstream, which has many Bitcoin core developers.The trial regarding Oben Satoshi will continue, which will determine CSW’s copyright ownership of the Bitcoin white paper. But everyone’s attention is no longer on the issue of real and fake Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin has developed from an open source code for more than ten years to the current spot ETF listing and has entered the homes of ordinary people. What everyone cares more about is the truth before history.@pete_rizzo_ also has another 120 pages of key content details of the email exchange. If you are interested, you can find Rizzo’s release.Some content quotes:Biography of Bitcoin Pioneers: Wei Dai——Lao Lian GeAdam Back (Adam Back) One of the founders of Bitcoin who got up early and went to the evening market——Zhu Weisha


