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The Seventeen Rules of Survival in the Currency Ci

  • IN the
  • 2024-03-15 20:53:17
  • 52

The rules of survival in the currency circle, summarized in the "Seventeen Rules" are all useful information!

1. Diligence is supreme, laziness leads to chaos

On the road to the currency circle, diligence is gold. Those who are too lazy to put coins into their wallets, lazy to research projects, and lazy to learn will eventually fall into the whirlpool of chaos. Only by being diligent and unremitting can we eliminate all shortcomings and move forward steadily.

2. New concept traps need to be carefully identified

There are endless new concepts on the market, but 99.99% of them are for the purpose of deceiving people. Investors need to keep a clear head and carefully identify authenticity to avoid falling into traps.

3. Over-the-counter trading is full of risks

Never get involved in OTC trading unless absolutely necessary. This field is full of risks, and you may lose everything if you are not careful. Investors should stick to their principles and stay away from off-market temptations.

4. Be wary of scammers pretending to be fake and protect the safety of your funds

Those whose profile pictures are of handsome guys and beauties, who post about their life and fitness in their WeChat Moments, and who often talk to you about contracts, are often scammers pretending to be scammers. When encountering such people, be sure to stay vigilant, report them promptly and block them to protect the safety of your own funds.

5. Cold wallet protection, the currency rights belong to you

Remember, only by storing your coins in a cold wallet can you ensure that they truly belong to you. Cold wallets are a safe haven for coins, and investors should keep their private keys properly to prevent the loss of assets.

6. The poison of wealth code, don’t try it easily

The so-called wealth codes recommended by others often hide huge risks. These codes can be like poison, and if you try them, you can suffer huge losses. Investors should think independently and treat such recommendations with caution.

7. Be cautious when investing and don’t follow the trend blindly

In addition to mainstream currencies, other currencies often have higher risks. Investors should remain rational when investing, do not blindly follow trends, and avoid investing all their funds in a certain project.

8. The water in the currency circle is deep and one needs to distinguish right from wrong.

Although there are many opportunities in the currency circle, there are also many scammers. When investors are looking for ways to avoid pitfalls, they need to be wary of the so-called "experienced people." Very few of them are truly well-intentioned. Investors should learn to distinguish right from wrong and protect their own rights and interests.

9. See through the essence and avoid being deceived

In the currency circle, you need to see through the essence of things and not be fooled by superficial scripts. If those masters are really making money, how can they easily get you started?Investors should keep a clear mind and analyze market trends rationally.

10. Currency price pull-ups are not compassionate, but are actually a plan to ship goods.

The currency price pull-up is not a sign of mercy from the dealers, but a means by which they are eager to ship and looking for a taker. Investors should recognize this and avoid being fooled by superficial prosperity.

11. People in the currency circle are unpredictable, so we need to stay vigilant.

The currency circle is like a microcosm of society, and people’s hearts are unpredictable. Investors should remain vigilant and not trust others easily. For those who talk about "essence", "trends" and "the next Bitcoin", we should keep a distance to avoid being misled by them.

12. Reveal the secrets of scammers’ PUA tactics and take precautions before they happen.

Scammers often use a series of tactics when engaging in PUA, such as describing complex and difficult concepts and creating an atmosphere of panic. They may use "gold withdrawal artifacts" as bait to lure investors into taking the bait. Investors need to understand these techniques, increase their awareness of prevention, and avoid being deceived.

13. Treat blockchain rationally and stay away from fanatical advocates

Although blockchain technology has its value, it is not a panacea. Those who enthusiastically advocate that blockchain can save the world are often too extreme. Investors should maintain a rational and objective attitude and stay away from these advocates to avoid being misled by them and making wrong investment decisions.

14. Mentality determines success or failure, face market fluctuations calmly

In the currency circle, mentality is crucial. Investors need to remain calm and rational and not be affected by short-term market fluctuations. Only with a stable mentality can you achieve success in long-term investment.

15. Be wary of the three major addictions in the currency circle and keep a clear mind

Contracts, short-term trading, and new trading are the three most harmful addictions in the currency circle. These behaviors often put people into situations they cannot extricate themselves from, resulting in huge losses. Investors should be wary of these addictions, keep a clear head, and avoid being tempted by them to make wrong investment decisions.

16. Hot coins are like roses with thorns, treat them with caution

Hot coins are like roses with thorns, tempting but full of risks. Investors should remain cautious when pursuing hot coins, fully understand the risks and opportunities behind them, and avoid blindly following the trend and suffering losses.

17. Stay grounded and stay away from exaggerated talk.

In the currency circle, you should stay away from those who talk about "essence", "trends", "the next Bitcoin" and other exaggerated talk.These people often lack practical experience and insights and only create noise and mislead investors. Investors should keep their feet on the ground, pay attention to real market dynamics and valuable projects, and invest with a prudent attitude.

Okay, that’s it for the article. If you don’t have time and are a newbie, and I tell you this, you don’t know what to do or how to read this information.

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