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市場如何影響下周趨勢 市場急需修正 保持謹慎耐心

It was late at night, the Nasdaq was about to open, and Wall Street traders were on their way to work. Lao Jiu took advantage of this moment to say a few more words:1. Tonight’s performance in the U.S. trading session directly determines the trend next week. At present, the 4-hour technical trend of the market has broken downward!2. After the sharp rise in the early stage, there is an urgent need for a correction regardless of the emotional or technical trends!3. Finally, I would like to remind everyone again that we can only be cautious, cautious, more cautious, patient, patient, and more patient. Only in this way can we look at the market and ourselves more calmly and objectively! 市場如何影響下周趨勢


