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在這次加密貨幣牛市中獲得 100 倍利潤的十大策略

在這次加密貨幣牛市中獲得 100 倍利潤的十大策略

這次加密貨幣多頭市場賺取 100 倍利潤的十大策略首先出現(xiàn)在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上


Coinpedia 的這份報告匯總了在即將到來的牛市中將利潤翻倍 100 倍的所有方法。讓我們深入了解更多!




由於比特幣減半等事件,預(yù)計 2024 年將出現(xiàn)下一次多頭。潛在多頭的主要指標(biāo)之一是比特幣減半,大約每四年發(fā)生一次。除此之外,以太坊2.0升級可望大幅提高專案的可擴展性、安全性和效率,從而吸引更多利害關(guān)係人並提升加密貨幣市場。


為什麼 2024 年會迎來下一次加密貨幣牛市?

專家預(yù)測 2024 年可能會出現(xiàn)下一次也是有史以來最大的牛市!可能有以下幾個原因:

  • 比特幣減半


  • 以太坊2.0影響

以太坊 2.0 升級即將到來,其改進包括更好的可擴展性、安全性和能源效率。上海昇級和原始分片等增強功能將吸引更多投資者。這可能會增加加密貨幣領(lǐng)域的需求。

  • 市場動態(tài)

宏觀經(jīng)濟情勢,特別是全球流動性狀況的軌跡,已經(jīng)暗示了有利的加密市場條件。隨著現(xiàn)貨 ETF 的出現(xiàn),加密貨幣產(chǎn)業(yè)將受益於主流採用率的增加。技術(shù)進步也引起越來越多的投資人參與。它可能會吸引更多的加密貨幣愛好者。

  • 新興趨勢

The evolving crypto market in 2024 gives us various scenarios. The cycle might make us witness a boost in Bitcoin prices, surpassing all-time highs. The market corrections could drive prices lower too. Market leadership can be redefined by many developing projects coming into limelight, like Solana’s ascension evolution of DeFi protocols. With such trends, we can always expect a bull run in 2024!

  • Confluence of Bitcoin Halving and Ethereum 2.0

The perfect alignment of the Bitcoin halving event and Ethereum 2.0 upgrade lays a strong foundation for the upcoming bull run.

  • Crypto Maturation

Crypto landscape has seen substantial advancements in infrastructure, leading to a stronger ecosystem. The maturity enables dApps to attract users who are interested in utility and not otherwise. The evolution of the space is going to stimulate the growth in crypto space, leading to a possible bull run in 2024.

  • Widening Adoption

As per the reports, many small countries and aloof regions have started adopting cryptocurrency. The convergence of AI and crypto is generating innovative solutions, thus captivating more and more users. We expect it to grow further in 2024!

Top Strategies To Maximize Your Gains This Bull Run

The last bull run started in the late 2020s which ended with Bitcoin’s price reaching $69,000 mark! 4-year cycle theory suggests the next bull run in 2024. We have compiled a few strategies for you to make 100x profits in the next bull run:

  1. Educate yourself

Take your time to read on different projects and whitepapers of the upcoming tokens. Be thorough with crypto and blockchain markets. For instance, liquid staking or LSD has been the biggest star in DeFi in 2023. LSDFi was predicted to be the next big thing by many experts! Educating yourself will help you make better informed decisions, identify future catalysts, and have a better navigating skill in the hush-hush of bull run!

  1. Stay update

Stay informed about what’s happening around! LSDs, real world assets, meme coins, regulations and everything! Once you need to have basic information like soil nature and amount of water a plant needs before sowing it, right? Similarly, one needs to be updated with every minor update to withstand the pressure of a bull run. Stalk the market! Start now!

  1. Investment objectives

Are you looking for short-term swings or long-term opportunities? You need to be well aware of your investment objectives and pool accordingly. Setting clear goals helps in getting an idea of what our main aim is and protects us from swaying around in the market hype. It helps in staying focussed!

  1. Never invest more than you can lose

Never go overboard in the heat of the moment! Risks are high in the crypto sector so it’s better to make wise decisions instead of working under the influence of emotions due to the bull run chaos.

  1. DYOR

Before investing, always do your own research! Dive into technical analysis like trends, charts and whitepapers. Manage your emotions and put in your efforts only at the place which deserves it. There are going to be many who claim to be the best, you need to have your research on-point to identify the pros and cons of a project!

  1. Altcoins to consider ahead of the next bull run:

  • Ethereum: We are well aware that ETH is the second largest crypto by market cap. It is a key player in smart contracts and Web 3.0. Ethereum is believed to outperform Bitcoin in the next bull run! All this being said, the Bitcoin Halving event in April 2024 is the only certain piece of news for the crypto markets to hope for a bull run.With that in mind we expect that ETH could track along with Bitcoin and post new ATHs of $6,500 in 2024. If, however, the global economic outlook looks rocky in 2024, we could see ETH struggle to reach an ATH and, as a result, predict an average ETH price of $4,500 in 2024. If the global economic situation takes a downturn in 2024 we could see ETH struggle to retake previous high, and are, therefore, predicting a low of $1,800 for ETH in 2024.

  • Cardano: ADA has been one of the top-performing cryptocurrencies in the market. It has soared by 165.13% in 2023 and 677.65% since its inception. Crypto enthusiasts are highly optimistic of Cardano’s potential increase by 6000% in the upcoming bull run.

  • Dogecoin: Dogecoin, a humorous meme crypto, has quickly become a notable digital asset with a loyal community. Despite its meme-related origins, DOGE has exhibited remarkable growth. In 2023, Dogecoin witnessed a rise of 34.71%, reflecting a consistent interest and investment in the coin. Over its lifetime, Dogecoin has achieved an astounding all-time appreciation of 627.40%, and over the past five years, it has skyrocketed by 4,916.03%. We predict it will be very profitable in the 2024 bull run.

  • Ripple: XRP is a fast and efficient solution for cross-border transactions, offering a cheaper alternative to mainstream methods. It has recently regained investors’ confidence after winning a legal battle against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. XRP is all set to rule again and we place our bets on the token during the next bull run. With a crypto bull run in mind and a positive lawsuit outcome for Ripple, we predict a bolster in the XRP price. Therefore, experts’ XRP price prediction forecasts a price of $1.80 by the end of 2024. Depending on the lawsuit’s outcome and crypto market conditions, it could go much higher, potentially reaching $3.10.

  1. Sectors to choose for the next bull run

We place our bets on these top three sectors for the 2024 bull run:

  1. Layer 2 Scaling solutions

After facing challenges in 2023, layer 2 solutions are expected to rebound in 2024. With upgrades like Ethereum Cacun, reducing costs and enhancing speed, layer 2 solutions are anticipated to attract significant capital and user activity. This could trigger the bull run as it offers more scalable and efficient blockchain solutions.

  1. Real world assets or RWA

RWAs saw a massive surge in capital in 2023, seeing a meteoric 700% rise in TVL in 2023. Protocols promoting RWA transactions like Polytrade ($TRADE) and Clearpool Finance ($CPOOL) have given 1038% and 277% YTD growth, respectively. The coming year could accelerate this trend as more assets become digitized, appealing to institutions looking for innovative investment opportunities, thus triggering the next bull run!

Source: CoinmarketCap

  1. AI coins

In 2023, AI coins captured the market well. With the success of AI powered technologies, AI-driven projects saw a boost. There have been remarkable performances by coins like RNDR, AGIX and OCEAN. In 2023, AI coins saw a rise in interest, propelling tokens such as RNDR, AGIX, and OCEAN to impressive heights, with 1050%, 646%, and 234% YTD growth, respectively.

This enthusiasm, sparked by AI advancements and the performance of tech stocks like Nvidia, suggests a robust trajectory into 2024. This AI mania, fueled by breakthroughs in machine learning and GPU technology, sets the stage for 2024, where we might see these coins drive a bull run as the integration of AI plus blockchain technology strengthens, potentially revolutionizing sectors from finance to gaming.

  1. Diversify

We always suggest not placing all your eggs in one basket. During bull run, be prepared to diversify your portfolio and invest in different types of projects, so that if one fails, the other could save you!

  1. Never work with emotions

Emotional investments could be risky! Do not invest with haste and emotions when you see the market rising. Stop for a moment, analyze, and invest! We understand that the bull market peak could influence you to invest just one time more. However, never do that without applying analytical skills!

  1. Plan your exit strategy

Always have your exit strategy planned! Experts suggest exiting the market once your commitment and target are achieved instead of investing ruthlessly and endlessly. The market could see a downturn at any point in time, therefore, it is important to have an exit strategy planned.

Coinpedia has compiled these top ten ways to efficiently get 100x profits in the next bull run! We suggest that following these strategies could help you win big out of the bull market in 2024!


