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2024 年可考慮使用 4 種低於 2 美元的加密貨幣來獲得無風(fēng)險(xiǎn)利潤(rùn)

  • 您是否正在考慮投資低於 2 美元的加密貨幣,並有可能在 2024 年獲得無風(fēng)險(xiǎn)利潤(rùn),以下是值得考慮的四種加密貨幣。


然而,對(duì)於透過降低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的方法尋求潛在高回報(bào)的投資者來說,有一些低於 2 美元的有趣選擇,這可能是 2024 年投資策略成功的關(guān)鍵。

在本文中,我們將探討四種加密貨幣——Retik Finance、Polygon、Cardano 和 Bonk——每種價(jià)格均低於 2 美元,預(yù)計(jì)將看漲,並有可能在 2024 年提供 500% 的無風(fēng)險(xiǎn)利潤(rùn)。

瑞提克金融 (RETIK)

Retik Finance 是一個(gè)富有遠(yuǎn)見的項(xiàng)目,對(duì)全球金融的未來具有變革性的願(yuàn)景。

Retik 代幣 (RETIK) 的價(jià)格低於 2 美元,在預(yù)售階段勢(shì)頭強(qiáng)勁。

預(yù)售於 2023 年 12 月 6 日開始,超出預(yù)期,在不到一個(gè)月的時(shí)間內(nèi)從第一階段的 0.030 美元推進(jìn)到第四階段的 0.060 美元。

這項(xiàng)進(jìn)展已經(jīng)提供了令人印象深刻的 100% 的歷史利潤(rùn)。 Retik Finance 的願(yuàn)景圍繞著消除金融領(lǐng)域的障礙,旨在增強(qiáng)金融賦權(quán)、可靠性和透明度。



專家預(yù)測(cè),在其創(chuàng)新公用事業(yè)和不斷增長(zhǎng)的投資者基礎(chǔ)的支持下,Retik Finance 有潛力在 2024 年實(shí)現(xiàn) 500% 的利潤(rùn)。

該代幣將於 2024 年第三季上市,進(jìn)一步增強(qiáng)其知名度和顯著回報(bào)潛力。

憑藉對(duì)包容性和增強(qiáng)全球金融生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的承諾,Retik Finance 成為一項(xiàng)有前景的低於 2 美元的投資。

另請(qǐng)參閱:12 月暴漲後 SOL 和 Solana Meme 代幣崩潰發(fā)生了什麼

多邊形 (MATIC)

Polygon(通常稱為 MATIC)正在透過令人興奮的開發(fā)和合作夥伴關(guān)係在加密貨幣領(lǐng)域掀起波瀾。

Polygon 的定價(jià)約為 0.86 美元,它已經(jīng)與一家大型銀行建立了合作夥伴關(guān)係,這為其 2024 年的復(fù)興帶來了樂觀。

儘管過去一年表現(xiàn)不佳,但該項(xiàng)目的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)開發(fā)和合作,包括 Polygon zkEVM 的推出,為未來的成長(zhǎng)奠定了堅(jiān)實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)。

分析師將 Polygon (MATIC) 2024 年的潛在目標(biāo)設(shè)定為 1.8 美元。該資產(chǎn)最近突破對(duì)稱三角形圖表模式,設(shè)定了 1.25 美元的直接目標(biāo),顯示出其大幅上漲的潛力。

The teased banking partnership could be a game-changer, potentially leading to institutional adoption and a substantial rally in MATIC’s price.

Investors considering cryptocurrencies below $2 for a risk-free 500% profit in 2024 should closely monitor Polygon.

Its ability to maintain technological advancements, coupled with broader market sentiment, could position MATIC as a standout performer in the coming year.

Cardano (ADA)

Cardano, represented by the ADA token, is exhibiting bullish signs in its 1-day time frame, making it an attractive option for investors below $2.

Despite regulatory challenges, including being labeled a security by the US SEC, Cardano’s outlook for 2024 remains positive.

The project has experienced significant growth in its ecosystem, with its top decentralized exchange (DEX), Minswap, witnessing a remarkable 26,000% increase.

ADA’s current price fluctuation within a critical resistance zone between $0.50 and $0.60 suggests the potential for an upward surge to the $0.70 – $1 range.

The asset’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) remains in the neutral zone, indicating a stable trend.

Cardano’s future hinges on its ability to continue developing its ecosystem and navigate regulatory challenges.

If it can maintain its momentum and break through resistance levels, ADA could be a strong contender for a risk-free 500% profit in 2024.

See Also: The Top Three Memecoins to Watch in January 2024: PEPE, BONK, and NuggetRush

Bonk (BONK)

Bonk (BONK) has been steadily climbing the ranks in the cryptocurrency market, currently positioned at number 75 on CoinMarketCap with a live market cap of $922 million.

Priced below $2, Bonk’s achievement is supported by its circulating supply of over 60 trillion BONK coins, inching closer to its maximum supply cap of 100 trillion.

In December 2023, BONK experienced a remarkable surge of over 310%, making it one of the top performers in the cryptocurrency market.

This surge positioned BONK as a potential long-term investment, despite a subsequent 50% drop from its peak, partially attributed to system errors at Mt. Gox affecting the broader market.

Technical analysis of BONK suggests a potential bullish crossover based on the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reinforcing bullish sentiment.

The neutral oscillator and decreased volatility indicated by Bollinger bands hint at possible consolidation, offering investors a clearer picture of BONK’s potential rise.


Investing in cryptocurrencies below $2 with the potential for a risk-free 500% profit in 2024 requires a strategic approach and careful consideration of each project’s fundamentals.

Retik Finance, Polygon, Cardano, and Bonk emerge as intriguing options, each with its unique value proposition and potential for significant growth.



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這篇文章首先出現(xiàn)在 BitcoinWorld 上,2024 年需要考慮 4 種低於 2 美元的加密貨幣來獲得無風(fēng)險(xiǎn)利潤(rùn)。



