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本週值得考慮購買的 5 種最熱門趨勢山寨幣


儘管如此,全球加密貨幣市值在過去一周僅小幅下降至 1.62 兆美元。

加密貨幣恐懼和貪婪指數也出現小幅下降,從 75 降至 72,顯示市場處於貪婪狀態。

有趣的是,一些山寨幣在聖誕老人集會期間上漲,這是 12 月至 1 月中旬價格的典型上漲趨勢。


比特幣 ETF 批準的監管不確定性也讓市場參與者保持警惕。

在這個充滿活力的市場中,Near Protocol (NEAR)、LeverFi (LEVER)、Render (RNDR)、Sei (SEI)、Sui (SUI) 和ScapesMania (MANIA) 正在成為本週潛在最熱門的趨勢山寨幣,引起了廣泛關注來自投資者和交易者等。

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮


ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。

透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。

廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。


預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度。


推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。


NEAR 協議(NEAR):在區塊鏈中獲得關注

NEAR 協議(NEAR)以其直觀的設計和先進的分片技術引起了人們的興趣。

NEAR 協議 (NEAR) 易於使用且可擴展的平臺贏得了開發者和日常用戶的青睞,在加密領域引發了對其未來的謹慎但充滿希望的氛圍。

如果其價格軌跡繼續下去,NEAR 協議 (NEAR) 的價值可能會在 2024 年在 3.44 美元到 9.11 美元之間波動。創新和不斷增加的用戶數量正在推動 NEAR 協議 (NEAR) 的市場價值。

However, NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is working to be more accessible and able to handle more users. It has to keep stepping up its security game and stay ahead in the race to prosper even when the market takes wild turns. While NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has growth potential, especially with ongoing innovation and user attraction, market volatility warrants a cautious approach.

LeverFi (LEVER): Experiencing a Significant Market Surge

LeverFi (LEVER) has recently witnessed a notable 40% price jump in a day, part of a wider positive trend in the crypto market. LeverFi stands out for combining traditional finance and blockchain technology. Rolling out 'LeverPro,' a dedicated platform for new projects, might give LeverFi (LEVER) presence in the DeFi world a serious leg up.

If LeverFi (LEVER) maintains its trajectory, its 2024 price could see a significant increase, ranging from around $0.001501 to $0.003291. This surge in attention signals that LeverFi (LEVER) might just be a hot pick for traders eyeing promising returns.

LeverFi (LEVER) outlook is pretty optimistic, with experts expecting its value to soar. However, the volatile market and competitive DeFi landscape present challenges. While LeverFi (LEVER) is hitting impressive heights, those invested need to stay sharp and pivot quickly as the DeFi scene shifts.

Render (RNDR): Soaring to Unprecedented Levels

Render (RNDR) has recently marked a new annual peak, culminating in an impressive 923% increase year-over-year. Amidst this remarkable rally, Render (RNDR) has catapulted into the spotlight, now on the verge of achieving an all-time high. The recent spike in Render (RNDR)'s value can largely be attributed to positive sentiment from traders and increasing interest from market experts.

Continuing its current trend, Render (RNDR) is expected to trade between $3.97 and $7.20 in 2024. Buoyed by its innovative technology and strong presence in the market, Render (RNDR) is on track to climb higher as it captivates investors and secures more funding.

Render (RNDR) shows promise with its bullish trend. Crossing the fifty-cent threshold could trigger a surge, drawing more eyes and funds into the fray. But we've got hurdles to clear, like the real chance of prices dipping and the tough climb past key levels if we want this growth to stick around. Market fluctuations will inevitably influence its path.

Sei (SEI): Assessing Present Dynamics and Future Outlook

Sei (SEI) has witnessed a significant reversal in its price, with considerable fluctuations recently. The token has experienced both record lows and highs in a brief timeframe, highlighting the crypto market's volatile nature. Even with its wild swings in value, Sei (SEI) captures attention for its standout qualities and potential to make waves in the trading scene.

Maintaining its current trajectory, Sei (SEI) is expected to range between $0.361347 and $1.510324 in 2024, suggesting an optimistic trend bolstered by recent technological advancements.

Sei (SEI) 的前景樂觀,預計到 2030 年可能達到 1.8 美元的峰值。但要達到這一高點,它必須真正挖掘網路的驅動力:廣泛使用。


Sui (SUI):在 DeFi 領域取得進展

Sui(SUI)在 DeFi 領域取得了重大進展,其總鎖定價值(TVL)自 9 月以來大幅增長了 500% 以上。

Sui (SUI) 網路以其一流的性能而引人注目,吸引了大牌項目和合作,這預示著社區正在蓬勃發展。

如果 Sui (SUI) 繼續保持目前的軌跡,2024 年其價值可能會大幅上漲。

預測顯示年度低點約為 0.794286 美元,高點約為 1.393010 美元,顯示上漲趨勢的潛力很大。

Sui (SUI) 的發展軌跡正在上升,得益於其良好的業績記錄和在去中心化金融領域日益增長的影響力。

其直覺的設計和強大的財務支持表明 Sui (SUI) 預計將在未來實現更大的成長。

然而,作為區塊鏈領域相對較新的參與者,Sui (SUI) 面臨著維持其勢頭並在競爭激烈的市場中生存的挑戰。


在充滿活力的加密貨幣市場中,本周有五種山寨幣因其獨特的潛力和投資者日益增長的興趣而脫穎而出:Near Protocol (NEAR)、LeverFi (LEVER)、Render (RNDR)、Sei (SEI ) 和Sui (SUI)。




LeverFi (LEVER) 經歷了顯著的價格飆升,反映出其將傳統金融交易與區塊鏈技術成功整合。

去年,Render (RNDR) 的價值大幅上漲 923%,吸引了投資者的關注,並展示了其在市場上的強勁表現。


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