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Ethereum Side Chain Rattles XRP Ledger Community

[Convinced Foundation officially stated that the Ethereum side chain is the largest attack on the XRP ledger]Recently, Thomas Silkj?r, Head of Analysis and Compliance at the XRPL Foundation, expressed concerns about the potential impact of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) sidechain on the XRPL protocol, calling it “the largest direct attack” on XRPL. Silkj?r personally believes that entities promoting EVM sidechains have not brought significant benefits to the XRPL ecosystem, but may weaken the appeal to new developers and violate XRPL’s unique development philosophy.He recalled the core principle of XRPL development proposed by Ripple Chief Technology Officer David Schwartz, which is to encourage innovation rather than pure imitation, and pointed out that the current trend of adopting EVM sidechains is inconsistent with this philosophy.Silkj?r lamented the shift in XRPL governance from a technology-driven to an XRP-centric agenda. Additionally, he mentioned community speculation about approximately $36 million in XRP being circulated on other chains as a wrapped asset.This discussion may provide an opportunity for the XRPL Foundation and the XRP community at large to reflect on the strategic direction of XRPL in the face of industry development trends.


