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Bitcoin and Ethereum: A New Era of Blockchain Tech

The original goal of Bitcoin was to establish a monetary payment system and digital gold. At the same time, Satoshi Nakamoto also invented blockchain technology. It's reminiscent of a Swiss Army Knife, a limited tool packed with functionality. However, in order to discover new features, a new knife needs to be purchased. As a result, Satoshi Nakamoto began researching the creation of a universal programming language for the blockchain, which also led to the Ethereum white paper.The goal of Ethereum is not to just be a currency, but to explore other applications of blockchain technology beyond currency. Ethereum is Bitcoin plus a universal technical language, open source files and shared storage capabilities.On the other hand, the principle of blockchain is decentralization and aims to solve the problem of power control and upgrade. Democracy is not just about the state, it is also reflected in social media and other areas. The democracy needed by the blockchain ecosystem is different from the democracy needed by social media and large-scale politics.


