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Web3 教育是幣安推動採用和長期金融創新的首要任務



隨著越來越多的人涉足數位銀行領域,向人們傳授 Web3 和區塊鏈的必要性也越來越大。



Web3 技術在全世界變得越來越廣為人知,但它們如何融入人們的日常生活仍不清楚。

全球只有 33% 的網路使用者了解加密貨幣支付,了解中心化交易所 (CEX) 和不可替代代幣 (NFT) 等關鍵 Web3 概念的人就更少了。

Web3 教育是幣安推動採用和長期金融創新的首要任務

Web3 和區塊鏈技術仍然需要對世界上很大一部分人口進行教育。

由於 Web3 的潛力與目前已知的知識之間存在知識差距,因此必須有主要產業參與者主導的教育計畫。

在全球範圍內使用區塊鏈和 Web 3.0 進行線上學習


其目標是彌合區塊鏈和 Web3 教育的知識差距,並使其客戶更容易獲得。


這個數位學習入口網站於2018 年推出,提供多種免費線上資料,例如課程、文章和互動學習計畫。無論您是剛開始接觸區塊鏈和加密貨幣,還是有一定經驗,幣安學院都能為您提供材料為你。

更多的人可能會透過幣安學院參與 Web3 和區塊鏈創新。




透過與致力於培養區塊鏈專業知識的慈善機構區塊鏈中心的合作,50 多個國家的 200 多所大學將能夠將區塊鏈教育納入其課程。

Over one million students will be educated in blockchain engineering and compliance by 2026, according to this project. Courses in crypto compliance, blockchain engineering, Web3 and Solidity programming, and other related topics are available via several programs.

Binance is trying to make high-quality research on the digital asset field accessible to everyone, in addition to teaching novices and Web3 aficionados. Binance Research, the research department of Binance, offers cryptocurrency investors institutional-quality analysis and information in addition to publishing statistics and information on blockchain, Web3, and cryptocurrencies on a daily basis. The year 2023 saw 56 analysis papers and 39 project reports released by Binance Research.

Additionally, Binance strives to include education into every step of the user journey since it considers education to be an essential component of the user experience as a whole. As an example, you may utilize product explainer movies to assist consumers comprehend new features or make sure people know about certain hazards.

Users may be certain that Binance keeps them apprised of industry news, new goods, and upgrades by reviewing and updating trade information on a regular basis. In order to help users make educated choices and securely traverse the platform and the world of digital assets, it aims to give as much valuable information as possible.

Worldwide education platforms like as Binance Academy play a crucial role in providing a wider audience with the free information necessary to traverse the intricacies of the Web3 domain, and educational activities undoubtedly contribute to the development and acceptance of Web3 innovation. of electronic property.

Leaders in the business are making a deliberate move towards a future where blockchain and Web3 are essential to today's financial systems via their educational initiatives. This goes beyond corporate responsibility. Companies like Binance are playing an essential role in defining the future of digital finance by educating the public about these technologies, which will become more important as they develop.


