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微軟聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人比爾蓋茲最近接受了 OpenAI 執(zhí)行長薩姆奧爾特曼的採訪,深入探討了人工智慧 (AI) 的快速崛起及其深遠影響。在坦誠的討論中,他們探討了人工智慧消除工作崗位的潛力、工作的演變以及未來的挑戰(zhàn)。











Sam Altman expressed confidence that AI would eventually unravel the “black box” problem, understanding how knowledge gets encoded and improving interpretability. This knowledge could lead to more efficient and accurate AI systems. Altman believes that AI will continually surprise with its capabilities, offering solutions to complex problems.

The cost of AI

Altman highlighted significant cost reductions in AI development. For instance, the cost of GPT-3 was reduced by a factor of 40. He predicted that AI’s efficiency would continue to improve as research advanced, making it more accessible and affordable for various applications.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding AI’s impact, Altman believes that we are entering an era of unprecedented productivity, driven by more efficient and capable AI models. He sees the cost of intelligence decreasing to the point where it transforms society entirely.

A paradigm shift in work

The interview revealed that AI’s influence on work is not limited to specific industries. It is expected to usher in a paradigm shift, enabling humans to think and create at higher levels of abstraction. As AI continues to evolve, new opportunities and challenges will emerge.

While robotics and automation might affect blue-collar jobs, Altman noted that AI initially posed a more significant challenge to white-collar and creative work. With advancements in both AI and robotics, the labor market is undergoing a profound transformation.

Bill Gates and Altman concurred that the swiftness of AI’s development poses challenges to society. The acceleration of technology forces humanity to adapt rapidly. Altman believes this will be the fastest technological revolution, with no upper bound in sight.

AI’s role in human relations

Both Bill Gates and Altman speculated about AI’s potential to foster better human relations and reduce conflicts. They pondered whether AI could encourage collaboration and facilitate solutions to global problems.

The interview concluded with a discussion on human purpose in an AI-dominated world. While it presents philosophical challenges, both Bill Gates and Sam Altman expressed confidence that humans would continue to find fulfillment, addressing new problems and adapting to a different reality.

Bill Gates and Sam Altman’s discussion shed light on the profound impact of AI on jobs, society, and human purpose. While acknowledging the disruptive potential of AI, they emphasized the importance of embracing change and focusing on the new and exciting opportunities it brings. As AI continues its rapid evolution, society faces the challenge of adapting to a future that is both uncertain and full of potential.



