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High-level Officials Crack Down on Stock Manipulat

Breaking news, according to the Shanghai Securities News, the financial high-level officials caught a big fish this time, and punished Wang Bin, who manipulated stocks for huge profits, confiscated more than 90 million of his illegal gains, and fined him 180 million, a total of 270 million, severely cracking down on the arrogance of lawbreakers, strongly deterring other lawbreakers, and effectively protecting the interests of investors!

In two years, Wang controlled and used 87 securities accounts to manipulate the stocks of "Dianguang Technology" and made a profit of more than 90 million yuan, seriously damaging the interests of investors!

Brothers, no wonder investors always lose money, the fundamental reason is that the stocks are manipulated by humans, and your cards are seen by others! Fortunately, the high-level officials caught him in time, otherwise I don’t know how many investors would be deceived! Thumbs up for the high-level officials! #大盤走勢 #非農(nóng)數(shù)據(jù) #Meme #WIF #SHIB


