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Transcend Social Classes through High-Volatility M

  • HIGH
  • 2024-02-17 23:42:23
  • 92
Only by participating in high-volatility markets can ordinary people transcend social classes and become truly wealthy. However, ordinary people often like to have fun with nipples, such as a few points of interest, such as stocks with high dividend yields, and then it is like boiling a frog in warm water. You spend decades like this, and in the end you are just a cooked frog. You have not made any money and you are old. A low-volatility market and a low-volatility target are poison to ordinary people.If the purpose is to make money, there is only one reason for me to enter a new market, which is whether the people in this market have made money, and whether a few people have made an incredible amount of money. If so (real), then Throw yourself in first, control the risk, and learn in the market, instead of turning over the books, grinding, and wasting precious time on the sidelines Transcend Social Classes through High-Volatility M


