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場外交易每週交易洞察 (03/27/2024)

場外交易每週交易洞察 (03/27/2024)

  • Polymesh ($POLYX) 是一種專為受監(jiān)管資產(chǎn)設(shè)計的機構(gòu)級許可區(qū)塊鏈,在貝萊德探索真實世界資產(chǎn) (RWA) 代幣化領(lǐng)域後,它獲得了市場關(guān)注。



  • Badger ($BADGER) 是一個 DAO,旨在將比特幣作為 DeFi 應(yīng)用的抵押資產(chǎn)。

    Badger DAO 推出了一種合成 BTC 代幣(eBTC),這項功能在 DeFi 借貸中具有巨大的應(yīng)用潛力。

    該穩(wěn)定幣參考比特幣匯率並在以太坊網(wǎng)路上運行,使用 Lido 質(zhì)押的以太幣(stETH)作為債券。

    這一目標(biāo)可以透過實施旨在提高整個 DeFi 領(lǐng)域的去中心化和資本效率的策略來實現(xiàn)。

  • Do Kwon 從黑山監(jiān)獄正式釋放後,Terra ($LUNA) 在過去 7 天內(nèi)上漲了 44.6%。



場外交易每週交易洞察 (03/27/2024)

  • 上圖顯示了過去 30 天的 BTC 價格走勢。

  • 如前所述,我們預(yù)計上週 BTC 將從歷史高點下跌,並在 6 萬美元水平找到支撐,如上方紅色方框所示。

    對 6 萬美元水平附近比特幣的強勁需求,加上聯(lián)準(zhǔn)會主席鮑威爾的鴿派言論,將比特幣價格推回 6.8 萬美元阻力區(qū)。

  • 聯(lián)準(zhǔn)會主席鮑威爾在聯(lián)準(zhǔn)會將利率維持在5.50%後發(fā)表了一些鴿派言論,最新的點陣圖顯示2024年將進(jìn)行三次降息。他還提到聯(lián)準(zhǔn)會計畫很快就縮減量化緊縮(QT)計畫。



    鮑威爾新聞發(fā)布會的結(jié)果是,比特幣價格在四個小時內(nèi)回到了 6.8 萬美元。

  • 然而,我們的團隊注意到過去兩天比特幣價格出現(xiàn)短期下跌趨勢。

    69,000 美元的關(guān)鍵水平現(xiàn)在作為支撐。

    如果比特幣價格跌破 6.9 萬美元,則將測試上行通道的下限。


場外交易每週交易洞察 (03/27/2024)

  • 上表顯示了 BTC 和 ETH 選擇權(quán)的 25 delta 偏度。

  • 由於FOMC會議後市場情緒有所改善,比特幣和以太坊的價格從上週的低點上漲,目前橫盤整理。

  • The 25-delta skews on BTC options return to positive territory for all tenors. It demonstrates that market sentiment on BTC leans towards a bullish view. The skewness in front-end options is close to zero, indicating that market sentiment is more or less balanced and that there is no clear direction for BTC price in the short term, according to data.

  • On the other hand, the 25-delta skews in ETH options do not indicate such a bullish sentiment. In the short to medium term, the skews on ETH options remain negative. Although the skews in the short-term options are less negative than last week's data, it indicates that investors and traders are less willing to hold positive delta positions on Ethereum, and the market is betting on Bitcoin's short to medium-term performance rather than Ethereum's.

Macro at a glance

  • Last Wednesday (24-03-20)

    • The Federal Reserve announced that its interest rate would remain at 5.50%, unchanged. Fed Chairman Powell's dovish comments boosted gold, equities, and cryptocurrency markets following the press conference. The dot plot indicates that the Federal Reserve will make three quarter-percentage point cuts in 2024. The market expects the Fed's first rate cut in June.

  • Last Thursday (24-03-21)

    • The Bank of England maintained its interest rate at 5.25%, unchanged. The Bank's governor, Andrew Bailey, stated that the rate cut decision would be data-driven, and the data indicated that it was in the right direction.

    • Last week, initial jobless claims in the United States totalled 210k, which was in line with the forecast of 212k. As Powell stated in the press following the FOMC meeting on Wednesday, the strong labour market would not cause the Fed to be concerned about rising inflation.

  • On Tuesday (24-03-26)

    • In February, US durable goods orders rose by 1.4% month on month, exceeding the expected 1.2% increase. Durable goods orders have begun to recover from January's 6.9% drop.

    • In March, US Conference Board (CB) consumer confidence was 104.7, lower than expected at 106.9. The lower-than-expected consumer confidence data suggested that consumer demand had eased, which would help to reduce inflation over time.

  • This Friday, the PCE price index data will be released, which could provide more clarity to the market if the US inflation rate moves in the direction expected by the Federal Reserve. It will also provide insight into the Fed's rate cuts this year.

Convert Portal Volume Change場外交易每週交易洞察 (03/27/2024)

  • The above table shows the volume change on our Convert Portal by zone.

  • This week, our desk noticed that trading volume increased significantly in the Launchpool while remaining low in other zones.

  • Over the last seven days, the Launchpool Zone has seen the greatest percentage increase in volume. Trading volume increased by 80.7%, primarily due to increased trade demand for Shentu ($CTK).

  • Convert 監(jiān)控區(qū)域的交易量下降了 14.9%。

    在監(jiān)控區(qū)域的所有代幣中,Enzyme ($MLN) 的交易需求增長最多,而 JasmyCoin ($JASMY) 的交易需求下降最多。

  • 隨著市場橫盤整理,Layer1/Layer2 區(qū)域的成交量也下降了 49.9%。

    大市值的 Layer1 和 Layer2 代幣在本次交易量下降中佔權(quán)重。


幣安提供客戶多種方式進(jìn)行場外交易,包括聊天溝通管道和幣安場外交易平臺(https://www.binance.com/en/otc),手動報價、演算法訂單或透過Binance Convert 自動報價大宗交易平臺 (https://www.binance.com/en/convert) 和 Binance Convert OTC API。








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