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昨天,整個加密貨幣市場處於橫盤狀態(tài)。 BTC和ETH沒有出現(xiàn)大的波動?;旧媳茸蛱鞚q了1%左右。山寨幣的漲跌幅僅約10%。不過,這樣的橫盤整理有利於後續(xù)的持續(xù)上漲。

ETH/BTC匯率仍處於低位,仍徘徊在0.05強支撐位附近。 ETH雖然完成了坎昆升級,但在價格和L2方面的表現(xiàn)並不是特別好。不過我看到OP提到30億美元將用於生態(tài)激勵。這或許預(yù)示著L2和ETH整體可能存在機會,大家可以關(guān)注。


幣安宣布正式投資流動性質(zhì)押項目-Stone。目前熱門的Stake項目,如Manta、Merlin等項目所質(zhì)押的ETH資產(chǎn),實際上都是質(zhì)押給Stone的,因此該項目的實力和資源都比較強大。目前,石頭也推出了自己的:全鏈條嘉年華活動。它與 Blast 的質(zhì)押活動大致相似。

就 Solana 的 meme 而言,除了 sloth 增長了 20% 之外,其他都在下降。 Pump 發(fā)布了自己的投票活動。對於專案剩餘的28%的代幣,有兩個投票視窗來投票決定是否銷毀:如果您選擇同意銷毀,則將您的pump發(fā)送到一個地址,如果您選擇不銷毀,則pump將被發(fā)送到一個地址。是的,只需將您的幫浦發(fā)送到另一個地址即可。如果您投票,您將獲得101%的返利,也就是說:如果您質(zhì)押100個泵,您將獲得101個泵。

At the same time, the most criticized by the community is Daomaker’s meme-pundu. First of all, before Xiangu issued the coins, the token market had already opened, and some scientists had already smashed the market; secondly, there was a gap of three hours between the original time for receiving the coins and the actual time for receiving the coins, and during this period, people kept selling; At the same time, not all tokens are unlocked, and only 50% can be claimed this time.At the same time, we also found that although daomaker’s platform token, dao, has experienced a rise, there has been no large transaction volume. From this, we have reason to suspect that the dao used by the project to refund is not from Instead of purchasing in the market, the original dao in hand is used as refund funds, which means that the project party has made a replacement with our sol. Such a large IDO platform has also carried out the operation of cutting people off. It can be seen that no matter how awesome the project is, it may actually be a grassroots team. So if there are any big platforms that issue meme coins, we can simply ignore them.





