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卡爾達(dá)諾開發(fā)活動(dòng)和鯨魚購(gòu)買偏好驚人地增加了 250%

CryptoDiffer 的最新統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)顯示,就上個(gè)月 GitHub 上的平均每日開發(fā)者活動(dòng)而言,卡爾達(dá)諾 (ADA) 已大大超過以太坊 (ETH)。

數(shù)據(jù)顯示,在這一關(guān)鍵統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)中,卡爾達(dá)諾比以太坊擁有驚人的 245% 優(yōu)勢(shì),這表明卡爾達(dá)諾已經(jīng)領(lǐng)先於以太坊。

GitHub 上 Cardano 的平均每日提交大小接近 450 次,表明了一個(gè)強(qiáng)大而動(dòng)態(tài)的開發(fā)環(huán)境,正在區(qū)塊鏈領(lǐng)域樹立新的標(biāo)竿。

Cardano 持續(xù)崛起並接管 GitHub 上的開發(fā)者活動(dòng)


區(qū)塊鏈專案生命和成長(zhǎng)的最重要指標(biāo)之一是 GitHub 的使用,它是開發(fā)人員進(jìn)行專案協(xié)作的平臺(tái)。


另一方面,以太坊儘管在 GitHub 上擁有相當(dāng)大的影響力,日均貢獻(xiàn)大小為 183,但現(xiàn)在面臨著追趕卡爾達(dá)諾已經(jīng)建立的快節(jié)奏的問題。









ADA 目前的市值為 184.46 億美元。

TradingView.com 就是圖表。

In the meanwhile, NewsBTC did an analysis of the addresses of ADA holders by examining data from Santiment. The results of this analysis revealed a significant rise in the holdings of the ADA cohort that ranged from one million to ten million.

To be more specific, the supply that was owned by this cohort was valued at 16% on the 20th of December. The most recent data that is available, on the other hand, reveals that this proportion has seen a perceptible increase, reaching 16.36%.

A purposeful accumulation of the cryptocurrency by significant market participants is shown by the increase in ADA holdings within this specific cohort, which shows that the cryptocurrency is being accumulated.

卡爾達(dá)諾開發(fā)活動(dòng)和鯨魚購(gòu)買偏好驚人地增加了 250%

It is common practice to consider whales to be major indicators of market mood since they often hold considerable quantities of a particular asset. Whales also have the ability to affect price movements. The fact that this group of investors has seen a rise in their holdings of ADA suggests that bigger investors are becoming more interested in and confident with Cardano.

On the other hand, the performance of Cardano in the year 2024 is defined by a mix of optimism and caution. Significant improvements in trading volume have been seen for the ADA coin, which is indicative of solid investor interest and market engagement with the currency. The rise in the number of trades in Cardano is indicative of a growing conviction in the long-term prospects of the cryptocurrency, which is being driven by continued development and support from the community.



