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交易量超過 5000 萬美元時的 Bonk 價格預測 - BONK 回歸了嗎?

在過去的 24 小時內,Bonk 的價格僅上漲了 0.5%,達到 0.00001171 美元。



經過週末的下跌後,Bonk 的交易量今天已經突破了 5000 萬美元,儘管該公司最近犯了一些錯誤。


目前的成交量仍遠低於 1 月和 12 月的水準。

值得注意的是,BONK 在過去一小時內下跌了 2%,這使其圖表和指標處於弱勢且前景黯淡的位置。

考慮到它最近一段時間一直在為形式而戰,其相對強弱指數(紫色)今天上午已從 48 左右下降至 45,似乎可能會繼續走低。

在上週似乎恢復了一些勢頭之後,代幣的 30 天移動平均線(以黃色表示)現在呈現出非常溫和的下降趨勢。

交易量超過 5000 萬美元時的 Bonk 價格預測 - BONK 回歸了嗎?

All of these wobbles that have occurred today would indicate that further dips are on the way in the near future. The current price of BONK seems to be in a position where it may challenge its support level, which is represented by the color green.The possibility exists that it will lose even more power if it falls below 0.0000110, as traders would likely reduce their losses and drive it down even more.When you look at BONK's charts, you will see that its rallies (and volume surges) since the middle of December have been increasingly less significant. This is one of the most unsettling aspects of the stock.This is a negative indication because it indicates that the market is getting less interested in BONK, which has finding it difficult to reproduce its bullish performance from December. This is a sign that should be avoided.This is in spite of the fact that the overall market has shown significant signs of improvement at various stages over the course of the last month or so.Even Nevertheless, there are still whales that are holding onto significant quantities of BONK, despite the fact that the token still has more than 600,000 holders.With owners continuing to hold onto coins in the assumption that it would bounce sooner or later, this provides a glimmer of optimism that the meme currency may return in a substantial degree in a very short amount of time.Because of this, it is possible that it may reach $0.000020 over the next few months, with the assistance of continuous bullishness due to Bitcoin ETF volumes and the forthcoming halving of Bitcoin.


