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of altcoins. When will altcoins surge

When will altcoins surge?1. Comparatively, the outbreak of altcoins in the last bull market was in January 2021. In the following four months, the altcoin index increased 6 times, and altcoins skyrocketed;2. Judging from the K line, the weekly K band volume increased sharply and broke through the Fibonacci 0.382 pressure level, which corresponds to the price of BTC at that time being about 38,000.3. Looking at this cycle, the Fibonacci 0.382 of altcoins is also a very important pressure level. A full-scale altcoin outbreak will only be possible if the altcoins break through this position with volume. The corresponding price of BTC may be between 70,000 and 120,000. By then, It should be the time of the outbreak of altcoins. When will altcoins surge


