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下一個加密貨幣將在 2024 年觸及 1 美元:我們的 4 個首選

下一個加密貨幣將在 2024 年達到 1 美元:我們的 4 個最佳選擇首先出現在 Coinpedia 上

加密貨幣行業正在為 2024 年的大幅反彈做準備,預計這將是數位貨幣的關鍵一年。

行業專家正在密切關注 SEC 對比特幣交易所交易基金 (ETF) 的批準,恰逢比特幣減半事件。

專家預測,比特幣年內可能突破 10 萬美元大關。


  • 2024 年加密市場多頭預測。

  • 1 美元標記的符號。

  • 前 4 個加密貨幣選擇。

  • $PIKA 的 GameFi 潛力。

  • 柴犬的 1 美元之旅。

  • 卡爾達諾和狗狗幣目前的市場價值。

如果加密貨幣市場再次出現類似 2021 年的多頭市場,我們可以預期會出現巨大的興奮。


加密貨幣突破 1 美元大關對於投資者和愛好者來說都意義重大。


當我們進入數位貨幣世界時,每個人腦海中浮現的問題是:哪種加密貨幣將是下一個在 2024 年達到 1 美元的加密貨幣?

現在讓我們來探討一下目前表現良好並預計在 2024 年將大幅成長的 4 種加密貨幣。

1 美元以下將爆炸的 4 種加密貨幣

發現下一個價格達到 1 美元的加密貨幣帶來的興奮不僅僅是運氣或猜測;



這種持續的變化使得尋找下一個價值達到 1 美元的加密貨幣特別有吸引力。

  1. 皮卡蒙 ($PIKA)

在不斷發展的 GameFi 產業中,積極主動的投資者正在尋找區塊鏈遊戲領域有前景的機會。

尋找潛在寶石涉及識別價值低於 1 美元且具有大幅增長和可觀回報潛力的加密代幣。

像 PIKA(Web3 遊戲 Pikamoon 的原生代幣)這樣的新遊戲代幣正在引起人們的極大興趣。

PIKA 不僅僅是一個普通的數位代幣,它是 Pikamoon 的支柱,Pikamoon 是一款尖端的 3D Play-to-Earn (P2E) Web3 遊戲,將徹底改變遊戲模式。

隨著 2024 年多頭市場即將到來,GameFi 代幣的後起之秀 PIKA 正緊跟著其他 GameFi 巨頭的腳步,準備開闢自己的成功之路。

With a humble token price of just $0.0006 during its ongoing Presale (which, per its website’s countdown, will end in April), the token will launch with a promising market cap of $10 million, therefore offering great scope for growth. In turn, Pikamoon then holds promise to become the next Axie Infinity – and then some.

With PIKA being listed on centralized crypto exchanges, accessibility and investor confidence are expected to increase significantly. Investors will be able to easily purchase and secure PIKA tokens using popular ETH wallets such as MetaMask or Ledger, which will also contribute to Pikamoon’s liquidity and expansion.

With the 2024 bull run looming large, the future has never looked brighter for projects like Pikamoon. Early investors are primed to seize the moment and dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of crypto gaming, where Pikamoon’s AAA gaming concept and abundant earning opportunities shine like beacons of promise.

Pikamoon is a platform that combines gaming and decentralized finance, providing opportunities to make your dreams come true in the crypto world. If you are looking for a chance to join this exciting adventure, Pikamoon is the place for you.

  1. Shiba Inu ($SHIB)

After more than doubling in 2023, it seems like the cryptocurrency market has finally thawed from the harsh crypto winter. With renewed optimism and the possibility of a bull market on the horizon, it’s time to take a closer look at one of the standout performers from the last crypto boom: Shiba Inu (SHIB).

Back in 2021, when almost every cryptocurrency was skyrocketing, Shiba Inu burst onto the scene and stole the spotlight. With an astonishing growth of over 28,000,000%, this meme coin now sits as the 19th most valuable cryptocurrency globally. And its next big target? Hitting that coveted $1 mark. But can it pull it off?

Cryptocurrency prices are influenced by various factors, but there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for predicting them. Generally, the value of a cryptocurrency tends to rise with demand, often driven by the innovative ways people can use the currency.

Surprisingly, they’ve made some significant headway. Today, Shiba Inu holders have more options than ever, with the token being used for things like yield farming, buying and selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and various applications within the decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

And there are even plans in the works to launch a Shiba Inu-based metaverse – talk about ambitious!

But let’s not forget about speculation – it’s a big player in the crypto game. During the last bull market, Shiba Inu’s surge was largely fueled by speculation rather than any standout features or practical uses.

However, things have been changing. Over the past couple of years, the developers behind Shiba Inu have been hard at work, aiming to enhance its utility. Their goal? To shift Shiba Inu away from its meme coin status and toward a more serious contender.

Will Shiba Inu Coin Reach $1?

Based on the current calculations, for Shiba Inu to hit the $1 mark by 2030, it would require an astronomical rally of more than 12,400,000% from its current token price. While there are potential catalysts that could ignite a strong bullish run for this meme cryptocurrency, achieving such an ambitious target price seems virtually impossible.

In my view, the likelihood of Shiba Inu reaching $1 by 2030 is slim. The sheer volume of tokens in circulation presents a significant obstacle, and even with various use cases, it’s improbable to sustain such a high price. However, if there were a substantial burn of tokens, perhaps in the range of 95-99%, this could make the $1 target more attainable.

  1. Cardano ($ADA)

Cardano, sometimes called the “Ethereum killer,” is a special type of blockchain. It runs on a system called proof-of-stake. The goal of Cardano is to help people who want to make positive changes in the world, like inventors and thinkers.

The idea for Cardano came from Gerolamo Cardano, an Italian thinker. People started working on Cardano in 2017.

The folks who made Cardano say it can do cool things. For example, it can help create apps and contracts that work without a central authority. They also say it’s designed to be flexible and easy to use.

One big event for Cardano was when Charles Hoskinson said they would make a big change called the Alonzo hard fork in August 2021. After that, the price of Cardano went up a lot.

Right now, one Cardano coin is worth about $0.58, and there are a lot of them out there. The total supply is 45 billion coins, but only about 34 billion are being used right now.

  1. DogeCoin ($DOGE)

Dogecoin is a fun cryptocurrency that got its name from a popular internet meme featuring a cute Shiba Inu dog. The coin’s creators, Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus, made it as a lighthearted project inspired by the meme. It all started in December 2013 when Dogecoin split off from another cryptocurrency called Litecoin.

Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin uses a different method called Scrypt technology for its mining process. This allows for faster and more accessible mining. Plus, since 2014, you can mine both Dogecoin and Litecoin at the same time.

Right now, one Dogecoin is worth about $0.086, and there are a lot of them in circulation—over 132 billion! However, we don’t know the total number that will ever exist. Dogecoin’s popularity has grown a lot, and it’s become a favourite among many cryptocurrency fans for its friendly and humorous vibe.

Finding the Hidden Gem!

Discovering hidden gems requires both artistic flair and scientific precision. While there are many promising options in the crypto world for 2024, one stands out as a potential game-changer: $PIKA.

In the era of GameFi, where billion-dollar tokens reign supreme and GameFi projects are locking in billions, $PIKA emerges as a frontrunner.

With its innovative GameFi concept and the recent surge in GameFi’s popularity, $PIKA is set to explode onto the scene. Its integration with Pikamoon’s progressive 3D P2E game sets it apart, offering investors not just a token, but a ticket to the forefront of the gaming revolution. Additionally, it has scope to amass a $1+ billion market cap, as did the likes of Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, and Illuvium in 2021.

As the crypto market continues to expand, driven by evolving regulations and increasing adoption, $PIKA represents an opportunity for savvy investors to capitalise on the next big thing. Whether you’re an expert trader or new to the game, recognizing the potential of $PIKA is key. So, don’t overlook the obvious – seize the chance with $PIKA whilst it’s still at only $0.0006 during its Presale…because come April, the token will be listed and prices will become a lot steeper.

Next Crypto to Hit $1- FAQ

What is GameFi and how does it differ from traditional gaming?

GameFi refers to gaming platforms built on blockchain technology that offer players the ability to earn cryptocurrency while playing. Unlike traditional gaming, where players typically spend money on in-game purchases without the possibility of financial return, GameFi integrates decentralised finance (DeFi) elements, enabling players to earn rewards or even trade in-game assets for real-world value.

What is Pikamoon and how does it utilize cryptocurrency?

Pikamoon is a 3D Play-to-Earn (P2E) Web3 game that leverages blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Players can earn its native PIKA token by participating in various in-game activities, such as completing quests, battling opponents, or owning virtual assets within the game. These tokens can then be traded on crypto exchanges or used within the Pikamoon ecosystem.

Is Shiba Inu likely to reach $1 in value by 2024?

While there is speculation surrounding the potential future value of Shiba Inu, reaching $1 by 2024 seems unlikely based on current market conditions and tokenomics. Factors such as the total supply of tokens in circulation and the utility of the coin will heavily influence its price trajectory. However, the cryptocurrency market is volatile and subject to rapid changes, so it’s essential to monitor developments closely.

What distinguishes Cardano from other blockchain platforms like Ethereum?

Cardano is often referred to as an “Ethereum killer” due to its unique features and design philosophy. Unlike Ethereum, which currently operates on a proof-of-work consensus mechanism, Cardano utilises a proof-of-stake system, offering increased scalability, energy efficiency, and security. Additionally, Cardano aims to provide a more accessible and flexible platform for building decentralised applications (dApps) and smart contracts.

What makes Dogecoin popular despite its origins as a meme coin?





