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2024 年多頭市場(chǎng)最值得購買的新 Meme 代幣是什麼?探索加密貨幣分析師的首選

2024 年多頭市場(chǎng)最值得購買的新 Meme 幣是什麼?探索加密貨幣分析師的首選首先出現(xiàn)在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

儘管有許多模因幣可供選擇,但很少有人能為其所有者提供更大的價(jià)值。因此,投資者目前想知道進(jìn)入 2024 年牛市時(shí)最好購買哪種新迷因幣。幸運(yùn)的是,我們根據(jù)社交參與、功能和未來潛力掃描了市場(chǎng),尋找最值得購買的迷因幣。

2024 年最值得投資的 Meme 幣包括 Bonk、Floki、Pepe coin、Dogwifhat、Memecoin 和 Meme Moguls。讓我們看看他們能提供什麼。

2024 年最佳新 Meme 幣

  1. 邦克 (邦克)

Bonk (BONK) 是第一個(gè)建立在 Solana 區(qū)塊鏈上的迷因幣,具有獨(dú)特的代幣經(jīng)濟(jì)模型和代幣銷毀機(jī)制。該專案的創(chuàng)建是為了增加基於 Solana 的 DEX 的流動(dòng)性,從而提高其採用率。

這次代幣銷毀的目標(biāo)是減少代幣的供應(yīng),創(chuàng)造稀缺性並最終提高其價(jià)格。 Bonk 的特殊之處在於它與 Solana 區(qū)塊鏈的整合。

Bonk 受益於 Solana 區(qū)塊鏈強(qiáng)大的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施及其廣泛採用。這使得模因幣更具可訪問性,並為整合到不同平臺(tái)和應(yīng)用程式提供了更多機(jī)會(huì)。

  1. 弗洛基 (FLOKI)

Floki (FLOKI) 最初??是受伊隆馬斯克的狗啟發(fā)的模因幣,但後來轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)槿娴?Web3 計(jì)劃,涵蓋 NFT、DeFi 和 Metaverse。 Floki 專案團(tuán)隊(duì)被稱為“人民的加密貨幣”,將以前新穎的迷因硬幣提升到了更重要和更實(shí)用的地位。

該專案的原生代幣 FLOKI 是最通用的迷因幣之一,可在多個(gè)區(qū)塊鏈網(wǎng)路上運(yùn)行。它與以太坊和幣安智能鏈(BSC)相容。

同時(shí),F(xiàn)loki 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)正在開發(fā) FlokiPlaces 市場(chǎng)、FlokiFi 和 Valhalla 等一系列產(chǎn)品,這些產(chǎn)品可能會(huì)在 2024 年為 memecoin 增加價(jià)值。

  1. 佩佩幣 (PEPE)

Pepe Coin (PEPE) 於 2023 年 4 月首次亮相後,迅速成為 meme 幣類別中的熱門產(chǎn)品。這種基於以太坊的代幣在短短三週內(nèi)就飆升至超過 10 億美元的市值。

狗狗幣花了大約四年的時(shí)間才實(shí)現(xiàn)這一壯舉,使佩佩幣成為最值得關(guān)注的迷因幣之一。 Pepe Coin 的總供應(yīng)量上限為 420,690,000,000 個(gè)代幣,它引入了通貨緊縮模型,其中每筆交易都會(huì)銷毀一小部分代幣。


  1. 多維哈特 (WIF)

Dogwifhat (WIF), a notable meme coin that launched on the Solana blockchain, made its entrance into the market in mid-December 2023. It quickly gained popularity, characterized by its symbol of a Shiba Inu wearing a hat.

Dogwifhat (WIF) rode on the success of its older meme coin, Bonk to become Solana’s second-largest meme token with a market cap of over $400 million. Interestingly, Binance and BitMEX have shown support for the meme coin by launching perpetual contracts, WIF/USDT.

Meanwhile, Dogwifhat has focused on gaming and DeFi, which could open up promising paths for expansion in 2024. Additionally, its emphasis on a community-driven model encourages active participation and involvement.

  1. Memecoin (MEME)

Memecoin (MEME) positions itself as the native token within the Memeland ecosystem, a Web3 initiative, and a widely embraced meme platform. The introduction of Memecoin and its subsequent listing on Binance, the biggest centralized exchange, generated significant buzz.

Riding the wave of Memeland’s popularity, Memecoin stands out from other meme coins. Experts have predicted that Memecoin to reach a new all-time high (ATH) in 2024.

Moreover, at the beginning of 2024, Binance Labs made a significant investment into Meme Coin to support Memecoin’s native ecosystem token and foster the development of Memeland.

  1. Meme Moguls (MGLS)

Meme Moguls (MGLS), one of the top meme coins to watch, is developing a play-to-earn (P2E) game that teaches you all you need to know about investing and wealth creation. When you play Meme Moguls’ stock market games, you will move up the Wealth Leaderboard.

When you get to the top 20, you will get a reward pool based on how much Meme Moguls makes every day. While this game is the main draw, Meme Moguls’ ecosystem will also incorporate staking and a virtual location called Moguls World.

Meanwhile, The $MGLS coin serves a variety of purposes inside the Meme Moguls ecosystem. $MGLS token holders can govern Meme Moguls. Protocol upgrades, pricing agreements, and community projects can all be voted on.

There are benefits to holding $MGLS tokens. In-game assets, $MGLS tokens, and other Meme Moguls benefits may be among the incentives offered.

Special Meme coins With Utility and Use Cases

These are meme coins changing the narrative of being tokens lacking any real utility.

  • Bonk: Bonk is used to tip and reward content creators online and to increase liquidity across Solana-based DEXs.

  • Floki: The team wants to integrate Floki tokens for usage on its NFT marketplace, educational platform, and metaverse platform.

  • Meme Moguls: Offers more utility than other meme coins. MGLS grants users access to the P2E game, the virtual investment platform, and a rewards token. It also gives holders governance rights, which allows them to decide on the future of the project.


模因幣的空間正在擴(kuò)大,許多投資者繼續(xù)從其快速的價(jià)格走勢(shì)中受益。希望加入迷因幣社群的投資者可以購買上面列出的迷因幣??紤]到它們的實(shí)用性和未來前景,它們是 2024 年投資最大收益的頂級(jí)迷因幣。



