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現(xiàn)在購(gòu)買(mǎi) Pyth 太晚了嗎?PYTH 價(jià)格暴漲 30%

在經(jīng)歷了一場(chǎng)艱苦的盤(pán)整之後,Pyth Network 股價(jià)暴漲 30%,創(chuàng)下歷史新高。

Pyth 空投成功後,價(jià)格走勢(shì)顯著上漲,而新的歷史高點(diǎn)是由出色的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)發(fā)展所推動(dòng)的,特別是掉期交易量,目前每週超過(guò) 5 億美元。


現(xiàn)在購(gòu)買(mǎi) Pyth 太晚了嗎?PYTH 價(jià)格暴漲 30%

Pyth Network 目前的市場(chǎng)價(jià)格為 0.65 美元,二十四小時(shí)內(nèi)的變化為 -4.5%。


另一方面,價(jià)格走勢(shì)仍在 Pyth 交易通道中處?kù)陡呶?,並繼續(xù)推動(dòng) ATH 阻力位 0.69 美元左右。


經(jīng)過(guò)一周的上漲走勢(shì)(由 0.475 美元(高於 20 日移動(dòng)平均線)附近的五日強(qiáng)勁盤(pán)整引發(fā)),這是一個(gè)結(jié)果。

隨著 Pyth Network 在成功空投後繼續(xù)表現(xiàn)出驚人的成長(zhǎng),出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)問(wèn)題:現(xiàn)在獲取加密貨幣是否為時(shí)已晚。


儘管在最近的反彈中,PYTH 的價(jià)格與 20 日均線上方背離了 +35%(儘管目前價(jià)格為 0.485 美元),但 20 日均線已成為 PYTH 所看到的大部分推動(dòng)力的基線。1 月 13日之後的幾週。

現(xiàn)在購(gòu)買(mǎi) Pyth 太晚了嗎?PYTH 價(jià)格暴漲 30%

The divergence of such a considerable margin above a major moving average gives rise to some reason for worry, as it may be an indication that PYTH is ripe for a retracement move below.The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is very hot at 82.13, which indicates that there is an immediate need to retrace down to price levels that are more sustainable. This perspective is verified by a look at the RSI.The MACD, on the other hand, continues to emphasize bullish momentum at 0.0154, which presents a small discrepancy with this perspective.A coin that is on the tail end of a large pump to the top of the trading channel is shown by the PYTH price analysis. However, the coin is also overdue for a localized pullback, which makes it a dangerous choice for an entry position.As Pyth Network continues to show amazing growth after a successful airdrop, the question arises as to whether or not it is too late to acquire the cryptocurrency or not. Take a look at this.PYTH now has an upside objective that is located above the upper trendline, which is around $0.70 (a possible increase of 1.86%).However, there is a possibility that PYTH may fall to a lower support level at $0.55, which would represent a possible loss of 19.97%.The price analysis of PYTH shows that the risk-to-reward ratio on the short time frame is 0.09, which indicates that the entry was a poor one that was characterized by the risk of a downward retracement.#PYTH #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #Launchpool


