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我們所說的CPI指的是Consumer Price Index,也就是消費者物價指數。


事實證明,該數據不僅差於預期,最重要的是並不好於 12 月。


這是一個顯著的增長,使該指數甚至高於 9 月的水平。





不過,應該記住,10 月也是 4%,所以 1 月發(fā)生的情況與 11 月發(fā)生的情況相同。

然而,市場預期下跌 3.7%,因此反應消極。







從目前的數據來看,聯準會似乎不太可能最早在 5 月開始降息。

聯準會主席鮑威爾表示,可以假設 2024 年可能會降息 3 次左右,每次 25 個基點,如果是這樣的話,至少在 6 月之前不會降息。



The markets have therefore been too optimistic about the effectiveness of the Fed’s monetary policy in reducing inflation, and they seem to continue to be so.

Yesterday, however, they changed their mind about May, and it was this change of mind that moved the markets.

The drop in the price of Bitcoin after the publication of the CPI

At the time of data publication, yesterday the price of Bitcoin suddenly dropped from around $50,000 to around $48,300.

However, it was immediately clear that there didn’t seem to be the conditions for a further descent.

On the other hand, even before the publication of the data, it was clear that there could be conditions for a correction, and in fact, yesterday’s correction did not surprise almost anyone. What surprised was the very limited extent of the correction, and above all, the subsequent rebound.

The fact is that on Monday the price of Bitcoin was still around $48,000, and the rise above $50,000 happened in just over three hours.

When such spikes occur, albeit relatively contained, the fact that they happen in a short time always suggests that they may be mini-bubbles, or quick peaks of excessive enthusiasm that then fade as quickly as they took to form.

Instead, not only did the price of Bitcoin stay at $50,000 for more than 24 hours, but the subsequent correction didn’t even erase all the gains as it stopped at $48,300.

Furthermore, it should be added that a week ago the price was still at $43,000, and three weeks ago it was below $39,000. A +30% increase in three weeks for Bitcoin always makes one think of a probable correction, so yesterday’s seemed to be a “phone call”.

The bounce

For these reasons, yesterday almost no one was surprised by the drop below $49,000, but to tell the truth, a possible drop below $48,000 was also expected.

Instead, the correction, unexpectedly, lasted only four hours, then the price stabilized.

Even this morning the price was more or less at $49,600, so many were expecting a day of sideways movement.

At a certain point, however, a real rebound occurred, about 16 hours after the end of yesterday’s correction.

The rebound was so unexpected that the price ended up rising above $51,000, setting new records for the year. In fact, today’s peaks are the highest in over two years, as you have to go back to November 2021 to find similar levels.

In other words, these days Bitcoin is showing great signs of strength.

At this point, it is even legitimate to imagine that the rebound may not even be over, and that it may even hope to exceed 52,000$.

It should be noted that in December 2021 the price fluctuated between $45,000 and $52,000 before dropping to $40,000 in early January 2022. Perhaps this is precisely the current price range of Bitcoin, and if it manages to rise above $53,000, completely new scenarios would open up, in line with those of November 2021 that led to the all-time high of $69,000.

或者,一旦觸及 52,000 美元大關,它也可能回撤,或許保持在 45,000 美元上方。



