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$JUP 加密貨幣價格預(yù)測 – 改進(jìn) Jupiter Exchange 上的代幣互換

在 1 月 31 日達(dá)到 2.04 美元的峰值後,木星價格經(jīng)歷了下跌,暴跌了 69%。

1 月底,基於 Solana 的新代幣 Jupiter 首次亮相,領(lǐng)先的加密貨幣交換和交易平臺 Binance 宣布上市 Jupiter 的原生代幣 $JUP(帶有 Seed Tag),引發(fā)了愛好者的興奮。


儘管最初從 0.005 美元飆升至 2.00 美元,但在過去一周經(jīng)歷了大幅波動。

Jupiter 的流動性聚合與治理方法

Jupiter 透過解決代幣互換、永續(xù)期貨和去中心化穩(wěn)定幣等各種金融工具高效流動性聚合的必要性,解決了 DeFi 領(lǐng)域的一個重大障礙。

作為 Solana 區(qū)塊鏈上領(lǐng)先的 DeFi 工具之一,Jupiter 旨在簡化和增強(qiáng) DeFi 領(lǐng)域的交易活動。

從本質(zhì)上講,Jupiter 是一個流動性聚合器,整合多個來源的資源,以促進(jìn)無縫、高效的代幣交換。

透過在多個基於 Solana 的交易所之間定向訂單,Jupiter 確保用戶在交易期間獲得其資產(chǎn)的最佳價格。

Jupiter 最初專注於聚合代幣互換的流動性,類似於以太坊上的同類產(chǎn)品,後來將其服務(wù)擴(kuò)展至永續(xù)期貨交易,從而擴(kuò)大了其在 DeFi 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中的覆蓋範(fàn)圍和效用。

該平臺的治理由其原生代幣 $JUP 驅(qū)動,它使社區(qū)成員能夠參與關(guān)鍵決策流程和政策。


去中心化的治理模式符合 DeFi 的原則,為平臺的發(fā)展賦予使用者和利害關(guān)係人權(quán)力。




木星的 14 天 RSI 目前為 27.70,表明今天的經(jīng)典樞軸水平 0.510 美元處於被高估的狀態(tài),木星的支撐位為 0.499 美元、0.492 美元,最強(qiáng)支撐位為 0.480 美元。

相應(yīng)地,木星的阻力位在 0.517 美元、0.528 美元和 0.535 美元。

$JUP 加密貨幣價格預(yù)測 – 改進(jìn) Jupiter Exchange 上的代幣互換


相比之下,更謹(jǐn)慎的預(yù)測表明,如果市場看跌情緒持續(xù)存在,$JUP 的價格可能難以突破 0.853 美元大關(guān)。

View the video above for detailed analysis of Jupiter crypto price predictions, and subscribe to hisYouTube channelfor additional crypto-related content. Jacob Crypto Bury also moderates aDiscord channelwith 20,000 members, providing trading advice and insights intoupcoming crypto presales.

Jupiter’s Advancements in DeFi – SPL-22 Integration and LFG Launchpad Expansion

Integration of SPL-22 into Jupiter Swap sets a new standard for DeFi platforms, facilitating seamless swaps between any SPL token and SPL2. This integration not only brings technical improvements but also revolutionizes user experience and liquidity utilization.

Traders can now directly access SPL-22’s enhanced features on Jupiter Swap, bypassing external tools. Furthermore, the inclusion of SPL22 in Jupiter’s routing system greatly benefits liquidity providers, as liquidity on SPL22 tokens can be easily accessed during swaps, ensuring better price execution and reduced slippage.

Happy to share that we have integrated SPL22 natively into Jupiter Routing!

Users can now swap any SPL token to SPL22 and vice versa, natively on Jupiter Swap. Traders will also benefit from liquidity on SPL22s when swapping regularly.pic.twitter.com/GIRL2JHuRC

— Jupiter ?? (@JupiterExchange)February 12, 2024

This contributes to increased liquidity and volume, creating a positive cycle that benefits the ecosystem. Additionally, Jupiter is expanding its offerings by introducingnew tokensthrough the LFG launchpad.

Serving as a bridge between promising projects and the investor community, the launchpad meticulously selects high-potential projects, ensuring that only the most innovative andpromising cryptoare showcased.

This safeguards investors and upholds a high standard of quality. Consequently, the launch of the LFG launchpad applications is eagerly anticipated by both project developers and investors.

$JUP #JUP #Jupiter #Write2Earn


