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在經(jīng)歷了一個(gè)非常成功的周末之後,價(jià)格主要由於比特幣 ETF 交易量的飆升而上漲,但加密貨幣卻全面下跌。


XRP 每週上漲 3%,但在過去 30 天下跌了 9.5%。

儘管如此,另類加密貨幣在過去一年中仍然保持了 35% 的漲幅。

此外,週末發(fā)生的波動(dòng)使得 XRP 在市場(chǎng)規(guī)模上超過了 USDC。


即使週末出現(xiàn)反彈,XRP 似乎仍然難以獲得任何顯著的勢(shì)頭,因?yàn)槠渲笜?biāo)仍然處於比之前更弱的位置。


As a result of a 'death cross' that occurred in late January, its 30-day average (yellow) dropped below its 200-day average (blue), and the shorter term average is still falling down with each passing day.In a similar vein, its relative strength indicator (purple) stopped short of reaching 50 over the weekend and has already started slipping towards 40, which is an indication that selling activity has resumed.What is especially disheartening for XRP is the fact that its support level, which is green, has been steadily decreasing since the end of November. This indicates that further losses may be on the horizon before stability is restored.Even though it is one among the top ten coins in terms of market capitalization, the current 24-hour trading volume of the currency is alarmingly low, coming in at just $800 million.At least judging by the recent huge transactions, it would seem that the majority of whales are still leaning more toward selling XRP rather than purchasing it.Consequently, it is possible that the price of XRP will continue to depreciate over the next several weeks, until a market that is becoming more positive helps to pick it up.XRP, on the other hand, seems to have a more favorable outlook in the longer term, since the lengthy dispute between Ripple and the SEC is anticipated to achieve a comprehensive and conclusive resolution by the summer.The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently won a motion to compel that would result in the cryptocurrency company turning over its financial statements. This indicates that a settlement of this kind might require a significant financial disgorgement for Ripple.However, it seems that Ripple is willing to pay a significant punishment, and that the firm will be able to restart its growth in a short amount of time when the payment is made.It will bring XRP with it, and there is a substantial possibility that the currency could surpass $1 in the later part of the year 2024.



