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2024 年 2 月是您應該投資 3 種加密貨幣的月份

由於 Solana 的價值實現了三位數的增長,因此下一輪牛市充滿希望。

由於 ClientLab 的定期更新和 Cardano 專案數量的不斷增加,投資者對 Cardano 充滿信心。

NULS:NULS ChainBox允許開發者使用NULS提供的眾多模組來建立和建立針對不同類型業務量身定制的區塊鏈。


毫不遲疑,Solana 的價值在過去一年中增長了三位數。 2023 年初,每枚硬幣 30 美元感覺像是一個難以克服的障礙,但這種加密貨幣已經超過每枚 100 美元。該貨幣在 2021 年創下歷史新高後,人們對它寄予厚望。Solana 是全球第五大最有價值的代幣,市值近 450 億美元。

一些投資者在看到 340% 的年漲幅後,對 2024 年實現如此高成長的可能性感到悲觀。然而,當牛市到來時,SOL 是一種非常值得購買的加密貨幣。

它的靈活性和敏捷性在這一層區塊鏈上得到了體現。智能合約NFT 和去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 均支援。另一件事:單次轉帳將花費您約 0.00025 美元。最近的估計表明,由於這些優勢,一年內價值將增長 50 倍。

在 2023 年所有的加密貨幣事件中,SOL 都取得了勝利。儘管有 FTX 爭議,加密貨幣仍能渡過難關,法院對 XRP 的裁決實際上幫助了它的事業。它最近成為市值最高、效率最高的加密貨幣,這一切都歸功於 SOL 圖表對市場波動的有效反應。

在這個專案的技術成就中,Solana 找到了它的希望。每秒鐘處理超過五萬筆交易。即使與收取更高汽油價格的競爭對手相比,這家公司仍名列前茅。由於這些優勢,Solana 的加密貨幣 Jupiter 的每日交易量短暫超過了 Uniswap 以太坊。


自 2017 年以來,Cardano 的實用性和可靠性一直贏得了加密貨幣愛好者的青睞。這種加密貨幣的市場估值已增至 180 億美元,表明社區已經認可了其價值。易於創建和驗證的智能合約和去中心化應用程式(dApp)提高了專案的盈利能力。

卡爾達諾不斷提高其技術能力,以確保其保持在加密貨幣市場的領先地位。更新的 ClientLab (v0.5.1) 展示了此專案的承諾。透過 Conway Era 支援和 QuickTX 管理 API,使用者可以輕鬆註冊 DReps。

They have the ability to vote, allocate power, and make suggestions in their accounts. With eight additional projects under its belt, Cardano is just getting bigger. The community is grateful for the chances given to them. The indications on the platform prove this. During the months of December and January, ADA users processed over 4 million transactions. Seventeen more Cardano initiatives are in the planning stages. Potentially, ADA's value may skyrocket once these releases hit the market.The price spike towards the year's conclusion in 2023 revived optimism for Cardano's potential for further growth. The token's current performance is reminiscent, according to some experts, of the bull run in 2020. If the past models were to be repeated, a consolidation period would be entered and would last until April 2024. Here, ADA has a chance to surpass its 2021 record high. Investors stand to gain a lot from the surge, as the cryptocurrency might reach a price of $8.NULSLast year, Celestia revealed its grandiose goals, which brought modular blockchains to a lot of attention. Countless data availability layers have been launched since then, demonstrating the modular thesis's growing momentum. You must understand that Celestia is not the first to propose the notion of modular blockchains. Find out where NULS blockchain fits into the bigger picture of modular blockchains in this in-depth article. Above all else, it presents NULS ChainBox, a formidable tool that supports the NULS modular.Developers may construct highly customizable blockchains using the NULS ChainBox solution's broad array of tools. They can choose modules from a shared repository, alter them, or even add new ones.

What is NULS ChainBox?

When it comes to blockchain development, ChainBox is a one-stop shop. Consensus, network, ledger, accounts, and transactions are its six core components. With ChainBox, you won't require any prior knowledge of blockchain technology or expertise with distributed ledgers, point-to-point communication, consensus procedures, or encryption methods. By using common communication protocols, developers can concentrate on building standalone business modules. With ChainBox, a new application chain may be formed in minutes.NULS ChainBox Main AttributesEnterprises and application developers are empowered to effortlessly establish blockchain applications with NULS ChainBox, thanks to its painstakingly built design. Freeing users from blockchain technology's complexities is its main goal, so they can concentrate on making their company ideas a reality. Among its notable attributes are:Efficiently preparing the development environmentBy standardizing the development environment's configuration, NULS ChainBox makes it easy and fast for users to get up and running. Without having to worry about complicated technical setups, developers can get right into their projects thanks to this functionality.Making application creation easier by using pre-made templatesBuilding on top of NULS 2.0, ChainBox makes application creation more easier by providing templates. Blockchain apps may be created more quickly when developers use preset templates, which streamline their process.Facilitating integration with little effortBy offering scripts and enabling one-click development of executable applications, NULS ChainBox goes above and beyond template use. The difficulties of integrating applications with NULS are significantly reduced by this strategic approach. With the help of the accompanying scripts and user-friendly templates, users can easily connect their projects with the blockchain.


