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預(yù)測(cè)比特幣價(jià)格:在 BTC 突破 43,000 美元阻力位後,BTC 價(jià)格將達(dá)到 50,000 美元

隨著比特幣價(jià)格突破 43,000 美元,漲幅約為 0.20%,不斷增長(zhǎng)的加密貨幣場(chǎng)景推動(dòng)了比特幣價(jià)格預(yù)計(jì)將邁向 50,000 美元。


儘管前景鷹派,但聯(lián)準(zhǔn)會(huì)在 3 月決定維持利率不變,這為比特幣價(jià)格預(yù)測(cè)增添了更多不確定性。

此外,即將發(fā)布的用於蘋(píng)果「Vision Pro」的Victoria VR Metaverse軟體顯示尖端技術(shù)和加密貨幣的日益融合,這可能會(huì)加速比特幣的上漲趨勢(shì)。


美國(guó)政界人士對(duì) SEC 加密貨幣法規(guī)提出質(zhì)疑



兩黨立法者均表示,121 號(hào)立法削弱了消費(fèi)者保護(hù),並使消費(fèi)者的數(shù)位資產(chǎn)面臨風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。


如果員工會(huì)計(jì)公告 121 (SAB 121) 被成功推翻,可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致對(duì)持有加密貨幣的機(jī)構(gòu)的限制放鬆,這反過(guò)來(lái)又可能鼓勵(lì)更多機(jī)構(gòu)參與。





目前降息的可能性略高於 50%,低於預(yù)期的 65%,因?yàn)檠胄袙?cǎi)取謹(jǐn)慎態(tài)度,僅在有持續(xù)通膨管理跡象的明確跡象時(shí)才強(qiáng)調(diào)利率調(diào)整。

聲明發(fā)布後,儘管聯(lián)準(zhǔn)會(huì)採(cǎi)取了激進(jìn)的立場(chǎng),但比特幣的價(jià)格基本上穩(wěn)定在 43,163 美元左右。


Get Ready to Experience the Metaverse with Victoria VR's New App on Apple's "Vision Pro"

Featuring stunningly realistic visuals and an engrossing user experience, Victoria VR is preparing to debut the first metaverse software designed just for Apple's "Vision Pro" headset.

The rapid incorporation of blockchain and cryptocurrency advancements into popular technological goods is highlighted by this Web3-enabled software, which is scheduled for release in Q2 2024.

A major step towards the adoption of blockchain-related applications, this move may not immediately impact Bitcoin's (BTC) value, but it is nonetheless noteworthy.

There may be a shift in market mood towards Bitcoin and its attraction in the context of the combining of new technology and digital currencies if the cryptocurrency community experiences a more favorable climate as a result of the increasing interest in metaverse efforts.

Bitcoin Value Forecast

預(yù)測(cè)比特幣價(jià)格:在 BTC 突破 43,000 美元阻力位後,BTC 價(jià)格將達(dá)到 50,000 美元

At the moment, Bitcoin is trading at around $43,097, but it will encounter stiff opposition at the top trend line of the pattern, which is located at about $43,375. The cryptocurrency may try higher resistance levels, which might lead to greater gains, if it breaks out decisively above this level.

With its near alignment with the bottom trend line of the triangle, the 50-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) around $42,940 provides a crucial foundation of support.

The market attitude is neutral, with no apparent directional bias, as shown by the Relative Strength Index (RSI) hovering around 54.



