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不包括比特幣 (BTC) 的加密貨幣總市值最近已突破 6,750 億美元的重要門(mén)檻。

憑藉這一勢(shì)頭,我們預(yù)計(jì)很快就會(huì)突破 1 兆美元大關(guān),甚至可能達(dá)到 1.25 兆美元。

山寨幣市場(chǎng)已成功收復(fù) 200 週移動(dòng)均線,將先前約 6,750 億美元的阻力位轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橹挝弧?/p>

這一轉(zhuǎn)變引發(fā)了上漲趨勢(shì),目標(biāo)是接近 1 兆美元和 1.257 兆美元的阻力位。

市值最大的山寨幣以太坊 (ETH) 也因自 2022 年 10 月以來(lái)首次超越比特幣 (BTC) 而成為頭條新聞。以太坊 (ETH) 在衍生品領(lǐng)域的活躍表現(xiàn)暗示投資者正在改變策略,加密貨幣競(jìng)爭(zhēng)環(huán)境中的金錢(qián)。


在這個(gè)不斷發(fā)展的市場(chǎng)中,Sei(SEI)、Optimism(OP)和Near protocol(NEAR)等價(jià)格實(shí)惠的代幣因其前景廣闊而吸引了人們的關(guān)注,因?yàn)樗鼈冇锌赡軇?chuàng)造新的加密貨幣百萬(wàn)富翁。

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創(chuàng)新浪潮

隨著 ScapesMania 預(yù)售在二月接近完成,團(tuán)隊(duì)正在努力確保在流行的交易平臺(tái)上快速上市。


ScapesMania 背後的團(tuán)隊(duì)擁有多年的專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí),制定了穩(wěn)健的上市後行銷(xiāo)策略。


透過(guò) DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價(jià)值數(shù)十億美元的產(chǎn)業(yè)並從中受益。



ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個(gè)平衡良好、精心設(shè)計(jì)的項(xiàng)目,可作為遊戲生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。



預(yù)售現(xiàn)已開(kāi)始 – 立即加入,即有機(jī)會(huì)受益於 MANIA

ScapesMania 是價(jià)值 3,760 億美元的遊戲產(chǎn)業(yè)的參與者,充分利用了市場(chǎng)的成長(zhǎng)潛力。


到目前為止,社區(qū)對(duì)該計(jì)畫(huà)的興奮是顯而易見(jiàn)的,迄今為止,僅從人群/零售捐款中就籌集了超過(guò) 5,400,000 美元。

粉絲數(shù)已達(dá) 6 萬(wàn)+,每週成長(zhǎng) 12%。

The growing interest from crypto whales with checks of $20,000+ might expedite ScapesMania's transition from niche to mainstream.

ScapesMania's smart contract has received approval from prominent security-ranking firms, ensuring peace of mind for holders. Additionally, the award-winning team behind ScapesMania secured a prestigious grant from a prominent player in the blockchain industry.

Furthermore, ScapesMania is notable for putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is where ScapesMania stands out.

Make sure you don't pass up the opportunity to get the early bird discount as the presale nears its end. Be quick if you want to get your hands on those lucrative tokens before they're all gone.

Presale Ending Soon — Secure a Discount Now!

Sei (SEI): A Surge in Value Amidst Bullish Trends

Sei (SEI) has made significant strides in the cryptocurrency market, hitting a new all-time high of $0.80 in 2024, marking a remarkable 700% increase from its 2023 low. With Sei (SEI) value now over $1.7 billion, it's clear this crypto has become a major player on the scene. Sei's (SEI) splash in the futures market was huge, with open interest hitting over $160 million right after its debut in August, showcasing some serious momentum.

Sei (SEI) has a price range between $0.308 and $0.723, with recent trends showing a 10-day moving average at $0.654, highlighting short-term bullish behavior. The longer-term trend is indicated by a 100-day moving average of $0.379. The support level is at $0.056, indicating potential volatility, while resistance levels are noted at $0.887 and $1.302, suggesting room for upward movement.

The Sei network, with its open-source Layer 1 blockchain designed for digital asset trading, supports decentralized exchanges (DEXes) by offering high speed, low fees, and maximum reliability. The Sei (SEI) network recently hit a major milestone with over a billion transactions, signaling not just swift growth but also paving the way for even more expansion. Planned upgrades for EVM compatibility are expected to attract more decentralized app developers, potentially extending the Sei (SEI) bullish run.

Optimism (OP): Navigating Unlock Events with Resilience

Optimism (OP), an Ethereum layer 2 scaling solution, is in the spotlight due to a significant unlock event where around $81 million worth of Optimism (OP) tokens will enter the market. This tactic aims to keep early backers from dumping their tokens en masse the moment they get them. Despite these unlocks, which can lead to apprehensions about potential price declines, Optimism (OP) recent upgrade, dubbed Canyon, focused on supporting major Ethereum hardforks along with several minor bug fixes. This upgrade marks another stride in the project's push to boost its system and play a bigger role in supporting Ethereum's growth.

The current price range for Optimism (OP) tokens is between $2.16 and $4.71, with the 10-day moving average at $3.01 and the 100-day moving average at $2.45. The market is observing significant support at the $0.62 level, while resistance levels are noted at $5.71 and $8.25.

Optimism (OP) faces a critical juncture with the upcoming unlock of $587 million worth of Optimism (OP) tokens, nearly doubling the circulating supply. As the floodgates open to nearly double Optimism (OP) tokens in circulation, eyes are on how this will shake up investor trust and the market's footing. Optimism (OP) isn't slowing down; with their latest Canyon upgrade and a hefty $30 million token giveaway for their community builders, they're really pushing the boundaries to keep their ecosystem buzzing with innovation.

Near Protocol (NEAR): Advancing Through Strategic Integrations

The NEAR Foundation announced the integration of NEAR DA with Polygon CDK, aiming to offer cost-effective data availability solutions for rollups. This collaboration seeks to simplify network structures for developers and reduce costs, leveraging NEAR DA's efficient data availability and Polygon CDK's developer-friendly tools. Despite market challenges, this integration marks a significant step towards enhancing blockchain interoperability and efficiency, with ongoing collaboration on zkWASM research for further innovation??.

The current price range of Near Protocol (NEAR) is between $2.12 and $4.89, showing a significant level of volatility. The 10-day moving average stands at $2.83, and the 100-day moving average is at $2.48, indicating a recent upward trend in its price movement. The support level is identified at $0.60. Resistance levels at $6.14 and $8.90 represent potential future hurdles for price appreciation??.

Given the integration of NEAR DA with Polygon CDK as announced by the NEAR Foundation, this development is poised to significantly bolster blockchain interoperability and efficiency. This collaboration will offer developers cost-effective data availability solutions for rollups, aiming to streamline network structures and reduce operational costs. The integration leverages Near Protocol (NEAR) efficient data availability and Polygon's developer-friendly tools, marking a pivotal step towards enhancing blockchain technology's capabilities. Additionally, the ongoing collaboration on zkWASM research promises further innovation in this space??.


With the total crypto market cap, excluding Bitcoin (BTC), surpassing $675 billion, there is potential for further growth towards $1 trillion or even $1.25 trillion. This positive trend is supported by the altcoin market reclaiming the 200-week moving average and converting previous resistance levels into support.

以太幣 (ETH) 作為市值最大的山寨幣,自 2022 年 10 月以來(lái)首次表現(xiàn)優(yōu)於比特幣 (BTC),且衍生性商品市場(chǎng)的活動(dòng)增加。

現(xiàn)在,貨幣在加密世界中的流動(dòng)方式有所不同,以太坊 (BTC) 搶走了比特幣 (BTC) 的關(guān)注,而更便宜的硬幣也表明它們也有遊戲。



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