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2024 年市值將超過 Solana 的前 5 個代幣

隨著加密貨幣市場樂觀情緒的增強,Solana (SOL) 預計將飆升至 115 美元以上。

最近從低點反彈 33%,本週上漲 27%,分析師預計將出現顯著的上升趨勢。

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Solana (SOL) 在 2023 年經歷了充滿挑戰的時期,暴跌了 60%。


如果 SOL 維持目前的突破,注意力將轉向 120 美元大關,這是表明持續反彈的關鍵水平。

除了Solana 的樂觀前景之外,Avalanche (AVAX)、Polkadot (DOT)、Uniswap (UNI)、Near Protocol (NEAR) 和Optimism (OP) 等代幣也正在成為強大的競爭者,準備在2024 年挑戰Solana的市值。

1. Avalanche (AVAX):復興與 Meme 幣影響

Avalanche (AVAX) 見證了加密貨幣市場的顯著復甦。

這種上升可歸因於 Avalanche 基金會的策略性舉措,即收購價值 5,000 萬美元的代幣化資產,增強網路的實用性並吸引更多用戶。

此外,隨著 Meme 幣 Coq Inu 的出現,圍繞 Avalanche 網路的興奮度也隨之增強,為該生態系統注入了新的熱情和投資興趣。

在過去的幾個月裡,Avalanche (AVAX) 的價值大幅飆升,翻了兩番。


儘管遇到了一些價格波動,但人們對 Avalanche (AVAX) 的整體情緒對其未來軌跡仍持樂觀態度。

展望未來,專家預計Avalanche (AVAX) 的前景看漲,預計到2024 年底其價格將突破50 美元大關。這種樂觀情緒源於該代幣的日益受歡迎以及在整個加密貨幣領域觀察到的更廣泛的上升趨勢。

然而,潛在的看跌市場情緒可能會阻礙 Avalanche (AVAX) 在 2024 年達到 45.29 美元。

2. Polkadot (DOT):互通性和可擴展性冠軍

Polkadot (DOT) 因其在區塊鏈互通性和可擴展性方面的創新方法而獲得認可。


儘管經歷了價格波動,但人們對 Polkadot (DOT) 作為去中心化創新催化劑的信心持續增長。

Recent price fluctuations have been observed in Polkadot (DOT), with instances of resistance encountered at specific price levels. Liquidation events have contributed to temporary declines in its price. Nevertheless, traders remain committed to its futures contracts, convinced of its long-term potential. Mixed technical indicators suggest some uncertainty regarding its short-term price movements.

Looking ahead, there are divergent predictions regarding Polkadot (DOT)’s price trajectory. While some forecasts anticipate a rise beyond $25 driven by strategic developments, others speculate even higher figures, such as $150 by 2024. However, these higher estimates are more speculative and represent a substantial increase from current levels. Polkadot (DOT) occupies an intriguing position, reflecting the dynamic nature of the crypto market.

3. Uniswap (UNI): Robust Trading and Wallet Innovation

Uniswap (UNI) has demonstrated robust performance in terms of trading volumes, bolstered further by the introduction of its non-custodial mobile wallet. The launch of this sleek mobile wallet has significantly enhanced Uniswap (UNI)’s presence in the market. Despite these advancements, Uniswap (UNI) faces resistance at significant price points, particularly at $8.1 and $10.69, which must be overcome to sustain its growth trajectory.

Recent indications suggest a potential rally for Uniswap (UNI), with some forecasts projecting a rise to $11.32 by the end of 2024. However, the coin’s ability to surpass these critical barriers will be pivotal in determining its future price movements.

Looking ahead, Uniswap (UNI) is expected to encounter a mix of bullish and bearish sentiments. Breaking through these resistance levels could propel its value upward, while failure to do so may prompt a reevaluation of its position and test lower support levels.

4. Near Protocol (NEAR): Technological Advancements

Near Protocol (NEAR) has emerged as a frontrunner in the crypto space, particularly with its advancements leading into 2024. The protocol’s implementation of the third phase of sharding, aimed at enhancing speed and adaptability, positions Near Protocol (NEAR) as a formidable player in the competitive crypto landscape.

Recent price analysis indicates a bullish trend for Near Protocol (NEAR) in the short term. The token has rebounded from lower price ranges and is currently trading in the upper band of the Bollinger band indicator. This uptrend, coupled with growing market confidence indicated by the relative strength index (RSI) and moving averages, suggests a positive outlook for Near Protocol (NEAR).

Looking ahead, Near Protocol (NEAR) is anticipated to experience a significant uptick in its value over the coming years. Price predictions for 2024 range from a minimum of $4.89 to a potential maximum of $5.78, driven by strategic partnerships and cutting-edge tech developments. While these projections are promising, market volatility remains a factor to consider.

5. 樂觀(OP):擴展以太坊和代幣解鎖策略

Optimism 是公認的以太坊第 2 層擴展解決方案,正準備解鎖大量 Optimism (OP) 代幣,估計價值約為 8,100 萬美元,約佔其流通供應量的 2.5%。



在 Optimism 基金會提議進行基巖升級後,Optimism (OP) 代幣出現了顯著增長,飆升了近 25%。

樂觀 (OP) 的未來前景似乎充滿希望,尤其是基巖升級即將到來。


如果成功,基巖升級可能會將 Optimism (OP) 定位為以太坊上最具成本效益的匯總解決方案。

然而,更廣泛的市場趨勢和基巖升級的接受度預計將在塑造樂觀 (OP) 軌跡方面發揮關鍵作用。


在 Solana (SOL) 的引領下,加密貨幣市場正在崛起,而 Avalanche (AVAX)、Polkadot (DOT)、Uniswap (UNI)、Near Protocol (NEAR) 和 Optimism (OP) 等其他代幣也受到關注。

由於 Avalanche 基金會的努力和 Meme 幣的流行,Avalanche (AVAX) 正在反彈。

Polkadot (DOT) 專注於讓區塊鏈協同工作,這可能會帶來成長。

Uniswap (UNI) 在交易方面表現良好,並擁有新的行動錢包,但在某些價格方面面臨挑戰。








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