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比特幣範圍整合為 SOL、AVAX RNDR 和 SUI 奠定了基礎

比特幣(BTC)在周末逐漸上漲,顯示多頭的需求持續成長。彭博分析師 James Seyffart 1 月 26 日分享的數據顯示,貝萊德旗下 iShares 比特幣信託 (IBIT) 管理的資產突破了 20 億美元大關。





比特幣的復甦推高了部分山寨幣的價格。讓我們來看看近期可能跑贏大盤的前 5 種加密貨幣的圖表。


1 月 27 日,比特幣升至 20 日指數移動均線(41,959 美元)上方,顯示拋售壓力正在減輕。

BTC/USDT 日線圖。來源:


兩條均線均已趨於平緩,相對強弱指數(RSI)接近中點,顯示供需平衡。 BTC/USDT 貨幣對可能會在一段時間內在 44,700 美元至 37,980 美元之間波動。

突破並收於 44,700 美元上方將是買家重新掌握主導權的第一個跡象。這可能會將價格推至當地高點 48,970 美元。不利的一面是,跌破 37,980 美元可能會開始進一步回調至 34,800 美元。

BTC/USDT 4 小時圖。來源:TradingView

4小時圖上均線已完成看漲交叉,RSI位於超買區附近,顯示多頭正在捲土重來。反彈可能達到 43,500 美元,然後是 44,700 美元。

下檔方面,移動平均線可能會起到強有力的支撐作用。跌破 50 點簡單移動平均線可能會使優勢向空頭傾斜。隨後該貨幣對可能會跌至 39,500 美元,隨後跌至 37,980 美元。

Solana 價格分析

Solana (SOL) 於 1 月 27 日攀升至移動平均線上方,並試圖在 1 月 28 日維持在下降趨勢線上方。

SOL/USDT 日線圖。來源:TradingView

20 日均線(93 美元)已經趨於平緩,RSI 略高於中點,顯示買家和賣家之間處於平衡狀態。如果價格維持在下降趨勢線上方,SOL/USDT 貨幣對可能會嘗試反彈至 107 美元,然後升至 117 美元。

如果空頭想要阻止上漲,他們將不得不迅速將價格拉回移動平均線以下。這可能會困住激進的多頭,為重新測試 79 美元的支撐位打開大門。

SOL/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

The pair has risen above the downtrend line, invalidating the bearish descending triangle pattern on the 4-hour chart. This is a positive sign as the bulls waiting on the sidelines enter on the failure of the setup, and the bears rush to the exit.

If buyers hold the price above the downtrend line, the pair is likely to ascend toward $107 and later to $117. This positive view will be invalidated in the near term if the price turns down and plummets below $85.

Avalanche price analysis

Avalanche (AVAX) has been trading inside a descending channel pattern for several days. Buyers purchased the dip to the support line on Jan. 23 and pushed the price above the 20-day EMA ($34) on Jan. 28.

AVAX/USDT daily chart. Source: TradingView

Sellers will try to halt the recovery at the downtrend line. If the price turns down from the overhead resistance, it will suggest that the bears remain active at higher levels. The AVAX/USDT pair may then spend some more time inside the channel.

Instead, if the price pierces the overhead resistance, it will signal aggressive buying by the bulls. The pair may pick up momentum and rally to $44 and subsequently to the psychologically important level of $50.

AVAX/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

The 20-EMA has started to turn up, and the RSI is near the overbought zone, indicating solid buying by the bulls. Sellers have successfully defended the downtrend line on three previous occasions; hence, they will try to do that again.

If the price turns down from the downtrend line but rebounds off the 20-EMA, it will suggest that traders are viewing the dips as a buying opportunity. That will enhance the prospects of a rally above the channel. If that happens, the pair may start a move to $44.

On the contrary, if the price turns down and breaks below the moving averages, it will suggest that bears are fiercely selling at higher levels. The pair may then remain inside the channel for a while longer.

Related: Bitcoin ETF ads may appear on Google starting Monday, community speculates

Render price analysis

After the initial pullback, Render (RNDR) has been consolidating between $3.56 and $4.40 for the past few days.

RNDR/USDT daily chart. Source: TradingView

Both moving averages have flattened out, and the RSI is just above the midpoint, indicating a balance between the bulls and the bears. If the price turns down from $4.40 and breaks below the 20-day EMA ($4), the RNDR/USDT pair may extend its range-bound action for a few more days.

Contrarily, if the price rises above $4.40, it will signal that the buyers have overpowered the sellers. The pair could then rally to $5.07 and eventually to $5.28. A break above this level will indicate the resumption of the uptrend.

RNDR/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

此貨幣對在4小時圖上形成對稱三角形形態,顯示多頭和空頭之間猶豫不決。買家試圖透過將價格推至三角形之上來佔上風。如果他們成功,該貨幣對可能會攀升至 4.40 美元,然後升至 4.71 美元。



Sui (SUI) 過去幾天一直處於上升趨勢,但空頭試圖將漲勢阻止在 1.50 美元。

SUI/USDT 日線圖。來源:TradingView

SUI/USDT 貨幣對已形成圓底形態,突破後將完成並收於 1.50 美元上方。如果發生這種情況,看漲勢頭可能會增強,該貨幣對可能會反彈至 2 美元。積極設定的模式目標是 2.64 美元。

然而,空頭可能還有其他計劃。他們將強烈保護 1.50 美元的水平,並試圖將價格拉至 20 日均線(1.18 美元)。如果價格從 20 日均線強勢反彈,則反彈至 1.50 美元上方的可能性就會增加。另一方面,跌破 20 日均線可能為跌至 50 日均線(0.92 美元)打開大門。

SUI/USDT 4 小時圖。來源:


4 小時圖表顯示,多頭正在努力將價格推至上方阻力位 1.50 美元上方。如果價格繼續走低並跌破20均線,則可能開始回調至50均線。

或者,如果價格從 20 均線反彈,則表示市場情緒依然樂觀,每次小幅下跌都會被買進。然後,該貨幣對可能會克服 1.50 美元的障礙,並開始下一階段的上升趨勢。



