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加密貨幣市場最近經歷了嚴重的低迷,比特幣 (BTC) 跌破 40,000 美元大關,並對整個山寨幣行業產生了連鎖反應。

加密貨幣價格下跌引發了價值超過 2.47 億美元的槓桿部位清算。

這一市場轉變的一個顯著因素是加密鯨魚的大量拋售活動,他們在過去兩週內拋售了超過 70,000 枚 BTC,價值約 30 億美元。

在比特幣的主導地位達到 54% 左右的顯著阻力位後,比特幣的拋售與流入山寨幣市場的現金流增加同時發生。

隨著人們的注意力從比特幣 ETF 轉移,山寨幣似乎準備在加密貨幣領域佔據中心舞臺。

市場觀察家正在密切關注 ETH/BTC 的走勢,並注意到看漲趨勢表明,在近期的交易高點和低點模式之後,可能會出現突破。

加密貨幣分析師 Captain Faibik 預計該貨幣對很快將飆升 25%,這可能有利於 Arbitrum (ARB)、Sei (SEI) 和 Optimism (OP) 等特定加密貨幣。


與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮

隨著 ScapesMania 預售在二月接近完成,團隊正在努力確保在流行的交易平臺上快速上市。


ScapesMania 背後的團隊擁有多年的專業知識,制定了穩健的上市後行銷策略。


透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。



ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。



預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

ScapesMania 是價值 3,760 億美元的遊戲產業的參與者,充分利用了市場的成長潛力。


到目前為止,社區對該項目的興奮是顯而易見的,迄今為止,僅從眾籌/零售捐款中就籌集了超過 4,800,000 美元。

粉絲數已達 6 萬+,每週成長 12%。

持有 20,000 美元以上支票的加密鯨魚的興趣日益濃厚,可能會加速 ScapesMania 從小眾向主流的轉變。

ScapesMania's smart contract has received approval from prominent security-ranking firms, ensuring peace of mind for holders. Additionally, the award-winning team behind ScapesMania secured a prestigious grant from a prominent player in the blockchain industry.

Furthermore, ScapesMania is notable for putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is where ScapesManias stands out.

Make sure you don't pass up the opportunity to get the early bird discount as the presale nears its end. Be quick if you want to get your hands on those lucrative tokens before they're all gone.

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits

Arbitrum (ARB): Revolutionizing Ethereum's Efficiency

Developed by Offchain Labs, Arbitrum (ARB), a layer-2 (L2) scaling solution for Ethereum, has been making waves in the crypto space due to its Optimistic Rollups enhancing transaction speed and reducing fees. This technology processes most transactions off-chain, periodically submitting transaction summaries to the Ethereum mainnet, thereby improving efficiency.

Arbitrum (ARB) is currently experiencing price fluctuations between $1.15 and $1.82. The 10-day Moving Average is at $1.87 and the 100-day Moving Average is at $1.29. The token has established support levels at $0.07 and $0.74, with resistance levels at $2.07 and $2.74.

Arbitrum (ARB) has room to grow because it works with Ethereum smart contracts, while more decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and lending platforms are adding support for it. But other L2 solutions could give it tough competition. So the Arbitrum (ARB) team needs to keep improving their tech as staying on top calls for constant tech upgrades in a field where everyone's racing to the top.

Sei (SEI): Emerging Strong in the Crypto Arena

Sei (SEI) has been a standout performer in the crypto market, showing impressive growth since its inception – the token’s price has surged significantly by the end of December 2023, indicating strong market interest and potential for further growth.

Sei (SEI) is trading between $0.572 and $0.799, with support levels at $0.268 and $0.495 and resistance levels at $0.95 and $1.177. The 10-day Moving Average at $0.61 and the 100-day Moving Average at $0.706 suggest a positive trend.

Bolstered by robust technology and increasing buzz, Sei (SEI) is on track to break the one-dollar barrier within the coming year. However, Sei (SEI) needs to continue innovating and adapting as new players enter the market, looking to claim their share of the spotlight.

Optimism (OP): Gaining Momentum in Layer2 Solutions

Optimism (OP) has seen a surge in its value, driven by the growing adoption of its L2 solutions – the excitement around the platform’s OP Stack is palpable as it draws in a significant user base and increases network activity.

樂觀情緒 (OP) 在 2.61 美元至 3.01 美元之間波動,10 日移動平均線為 2.81 美元,100 日移動平均線為 2.75 美元。

支撐位為 2 美元和 2.4 美元,阻力位為 3.21 美元和 3.62 美元。

在降低汽油費和簡化交易後,樂觀 (OP) 預計將實現成長。

然而,Optimism (OP) 要真正脫穎而出,就必須在 L2 競爭中保持領先地位,並不斷更新技術以滿足用戶需求。




儘管市場低迷,但隨著投資者將注意力從比特幣 ETF 轉向更廣泛的加密貨幣,圍繞山寨幣的懸念仍然存在。

這種轉變預計將使 Arbitrum (ARB)、Sei (SEI) 和 Optimism (OP) 等山寨幣受益,這些山寨幣具有利用市場波動的潛力。

Arbitrum (ARB) 憑藉其針對以太坊的L2 擴展解決方案脫穎而出,Sei (SEI) 以其令人印象深刻的增長和區塊鏈功能展現出前景,而Optimism (OP) 則憑藉其L2 創新獲得了關注。


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