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"TUSD Recovery Slow, STUSDT Launchpad Opportunity"

  • TUSD
  • 2024-01-18 12:54:11
  • 82
TUSD is unanchored, but due to restrictions on moving bricks, recovery is relatively slow. In addition, Binance’s new Launcpad still does not have #TUSD, which makes it feel like giving up on TUSD, resulting in heavy selling pressure.The emergence of STUSDT at this time provides an obvious arbitrage opportunity, which not only attracts traffic to #STUSDT, but also helps TUSD move back in price, killing two birds with one stone. However, the channel is not currently open.The unanchoring of TUSD can be tracked here:https://tronscan.org/#/address/TT2T17KZhoDu47i2E4FWxfG79zdkEWkU9N/transfers


