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什麼是曼塔網絡(MANTA)?Binance Launchpool 上的第 44 個項目


本文將討論該??專案的亮點以及有關 MANTA 代幣的代幣經濟學資訊。


Manta Network 是一個獨特的項目,擁有三個使用 Zk Rollup 技術的先進網絡,包括:

  • Manta Pacific

    :是基於以太坊構建的第 2 層區塊鏈,與 zkEVM 高度相容,類似於 Scroll 或 Polygon zkEVM。

    此外,Manta Pacific 還整合了 Celestia 的資料可用性基礎設施,擴展了網路的資料儲存能力。

  • Manta Atlantic

    :是屬於 Polkadot 系統的第 1 層區塊鏈。

    Manta Pacific 旨在利用 zk-SNARK 技術創建一個具有多鏈互通性和高吞吐量的匿名區塊鏈。

  • Calamari Network

    :是屬於 Kusama 網路的第 1 層區塊鏈,與 Manta Atlantic 共享原始碼。

    因此,Calamari Network 負責成為一個測試環境,讓開發人員在將新功能部署到 Manta Atlantic 之前部署和評估新功能。

什麼是曼塔網絡(MANTA)?Binance Launchpool 上的第 44 個項目

  • Ecosystem/Community: 21.19%

  • Foundation Treasury: 13.5%

  • Private Investor: 19.94%

  • Team: 10%

  • Advisor: 8.1%

  • Public Investor: 8%

  • New Paradigm (Airdrop 2): 6.5%

  • Strategic Investor: 6.17%

  • Airdrop: 5.6%.

  • Institution Investor: 5%

  • Binance Launchpool: 3%

Token Use Cases

MANTA token holders enjoy the following benefits:

  • Participate in governance and voting of Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific projects.

  • Pay transaction fees on the Manta Atlantic network.

  • Join the staking activities.

Token Release Schedule

Below is the payment schedule of MANTA token:

什麼是曼塔網絡(MANTA)?Binance Launchpool 上的第 44 個項目

Token Sale

As for the MANTA token sale, on January 16, 2024, Binance listed the MANTA token on Binance Launchpool. Specifically, users can stake BNB and FDUSD to receive MANTA (maximum 2 days).

The amount of MANTA allocated to each pool is as follows:

  • BNB pool: 24,000,000 MANTA.

  • FDUSD pool: 6,000,000 MANTA.

To participate in Launchpool, you can register for a Binance account here.

Project team

The team behind Manta Network includes:

Kenny Li: Co-founder of Manta Network, he is an alumnus of MIT University, where he graduated in Business Administration. MIT is one of the top universities in the world.

Victor Ji: Co-founder of Manta Network, he is also an alumnus of Harvard, one of the world's leading universities, with a degree in Public Administration.

Shumo Chu: Co-founder of Manta Network, he holds an Assistant Professor position at the University of California, Santa Barbara and is a Systems researcher at Algorand. He has experience working with the world's leading researchers in the crypto field, some of whom are Turing Award winners (an award from the Association for Computer Science).


Currently, Manta Network has gone through four rounds of funding including:

  • February 2, 2021: Manta team calls Seed capital round with an amount of 1.1 million USD, with the participation of Polychain Capital, Multicoin Capital...

  • October 19, 2021: Manta Network continues to call for Series A capital round with an amount of 5.5 million USD from Spartan Group, ParaFi Capital, LongHash Venture...

  • November 10, 2021: Manta opens ICO for 0.36 USD/MANTA. The project has sold 80,000,000 MANTA, equivalent to 28.8 million USD. In addition, these tokens will be unlocked after 40 days, starting from the time Manta launches the token.

  • July 19, 2023: Manta raises Series A funding of $25 million, led by Polychain Capital and valued at $500 million.

In addition, the Manta Network team also successfully raised capital of 9.1 million USD from Crowdloan token sale on Kusama.

Through many different funding rounds, Manta Network has attracted a total investment of up to 60 million USD. These capital calls have the participation of leading investment funds such as: Binance Labs and Polychain Capital, ParaFi, Spartan,


Manta Network's strategic partners are currently very diverse and notable, including many major partners in the crypto market, from investment funds to Web3 projects. Some typical examples are Celestia, Dora Factory, Polygon, LayerZero...

Roadmap and updates


  • Launching Manta Pacific 2 mainnet version.

  • Manta Atlantic version mainnet and Ceslestia Data Availability integration.


  • Testing zkEVM on testnet.


  • Launching Manta Pacific Beta mainnet.

  • Bring zkEVM to mainnet.

  • Testing Universal Circuit 2.0, Zk-as-a-Service.


  • Mainnet version Manta Pacific Production 1.

  • Complete Universal Circuit and upload to mainnet.


