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Ice 空投更新:如果 $Ice 代幣以每枚 1 美元的價(jià)格在 BSC 網(wǎng)路上推出,您會(huì)賺多少錢?


1.從PlayStore或AppStore下載名為ICE DECENTRALIZED FUTURE的應(yīng)用程式




Ice 網(wǎng)路更新:如果 $Ice 代幣明天在 BSC 網(wǎng)路上以每枚 1 美元的價(jià)格推出,您會(huì)賺多少錢?


今天,我將介紹 $Ice 代幣項(xiàng)目的最新情況,透過手機(jī)免費(fèi)開採代幣,有機(jī)會(huì)賺取高達(dá) 1000 美元及以上的空投,以及如果您是不活躍的礦工,如何恢復(fù)開採的代幣已經(jīng)放棄他們的ice Network帳號(hào)這麼久了。



例如 OMn、Avive、Amo 等。


有些人很容易在幾天內(nèi)開採到10,000 及以上的ice代幣,因?yàn)楫?dāng)時(shí)的開採率非常高,但不幸的是,在某個(gè)時(shí)候,一些早期的礦工停止了每天的開採,他們的帳戶在ice Network生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中處於休眠狀態(tài),這導(dǎo)致了損失最初開采的所有代幣。

雖然 Ice Network 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)自計(jì)畫啟動(dòng)以來已經(jīng)取得了很大進(jìn)展,但沒有什麼可以與即將發(fā)生的事情相比,因?yàn)榇蠹s一周或兩週後,BSC 網(wǎng)路上的 Ice 代幣將開始向早期礦工分發(fā)。然後ice代幣將上市到Cex和dex。



有人猜測上市價(jià)格在 1 美元到 10 美元之間,但無論如何 1. 上市價(jià)格可能是 Ice Network 未來的路線圖值得支持,因?yàn)橹骶W(wǎng)將於 2024 年 10 月啟動(dòng)?,F(xiàn)在想像 Ice 代幣以1美元啟動(dòng),並且您已從開采的10,000 個(gè)Ice 代幣中開採了價(jià)值10,000 個(gè)代幣,如果在上市時(shí)向您分發(fā)1000 個(gè)代幣,那麼通過在啟動(dòng)時(shí)將代幣交易為USDT,您將輕鬆賺到1000 美元(請(qǐng)注意,該計(jì)算僅基於推測)。

Now for those whose account have become dormant in the ice ecosystem and have lost all their premined ice tokens or have their tokens slashed, you have only one chance of reclaiming all your lost tokens by going through a process called resurrection. This can be done by reactivating your ice Network account on the Ice app. Simply download or updat your ice app and login with your registered email. You will be asked to go through avideo verification process and after passing the verification you will have the opportunity to resurrect all your lost tokens back to your balance. In case you become inactive again in the future you will not be able to reclaim all your lost tokens from the ice app again. So it's important to always stay active by clicking on the mining button in the Ice app every 24hrs.

For those yet to register, you can register now to start mining ice tokens from your mobile phone by downloading the ice app from your app store. Register with your email and use "muneeb4512" as your invite code. Take note that you cannot register without an invite code.

Disclaimer: This post is not a financial advice but an opportunity to inform you about the latest project in thecryptocurrency space

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