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New Currency Core: Strategy and Tips

  • CORE
  • 2024-01-15 21:12:11
  • 90
Here are a few points to play with the new currency core:1. When the new currency opens, you must wait until it stabilizes and appears in a sideways state at the daily level before entering.2. Learn to choose projects, at least one that belongs to the bull market narrative.3. Select projects based on market conditions. Current hot spots and other hot spots are not rotated.4. When entering at the bottom, you must hold on. In the bull market cycle, as long as it is a good narrative, it will take turns and grasp the rhythm.5. Participate in more first-level new currency mining, and you will basically get good profits.Therefore, don’t rush to deny the new mining coins launched on Binance recently. Few projects want to miss the bull market. Even if they want to realize cash, they must raise the currency price. The more people come in, the more they can earn. We will continue Keep paying attention when you come down. Opportunities often pop up, so seize them. New Currency Core: Strategy and Tips


