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這是 2024 年可以取代 Shiba Inu (Shib) 的 5 種代幣列表

儘管去年加密貨幣市場(chǎng)低迷,但 2024 年初卻顯示出明顯的看漲前景。

如果更廣泛的市場(chǎng)狀況繼續(xù)改善,這5 種代幣可以在2024 年取代Shiba Inu。Shiba Inu 是2021 年加密貨幣牛市期間的最大贏家之一。meme 幣於2020 年8 月創(chuàng)建,到2021 年10月,它達(dá)到了歷史最高值 0.00008845 美元。


讓我們來(lái)看看 2024 年可以取代柴犬的 5 種代幣。

柴犬 (SHIB):簡(jiǎn)要概述

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 於 2020 年 8 月作為一種去中心化模因代幣出現(xiàn),憑藉其以狗為主題的品牌和以太坊區(qū)塊鏈上 55.8 億美元的市值而聲名鵲起。

SHIB 是一位名叫 Ryoshi 的匿名實(shí)體的創(chuàng)意,一直是加密貨幣市場(chǎng)的知名參與者。

然而,不斷發(fā)展的加密貨幣格局引起了人們的擔(dān)憂,特別是隨著其第 2 層擴(kuò)展協(xié)議 Shibarium 內(nèi)的交易活動(dòng)持續(xù)下降。

最近每日交易量從約 700 萬(wàn)筆減少至 569 萬(wàn)筆,預(yù)示著潛在的挑戰(zhàn),引發(fā)了有關(guān)用戶參與度和信心的討論。

隨著注意力轉(zhuǎn)向 2024 年的潛在繼任者,SHIB 面臨著一些障礙,Retik Finance、IOTA、Blur、Osmosis 和 Aptos 等新代幣旨在透過(guò)創(chuàng)新解決方案和彈性來(lái)克服這些障礙。

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Retik Finance:連結(jié)法定貨幣和加密貨幣

Retik Finance 站在金融創(chuàng)新的最前沿,提出了一種獨(dú)特的方法,使其成為2024 年Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的有希望的繼任者。Retik Finance 超越了傳統(tǒng)銀行業(yè)的挑戰(zhàn),引入了突破性的實(shí)用程序,提供了一套無(wú)與倫比的功能,超越了傳統(tǒng)銀行業(yè)的挑戰(zhàn)。 SHIB 的能力。

Retik 的 DeFi 金融卡:賦能交易

Retik DeFi 金融卡標(biāo)誌著加密貨幣實(shí)用化的革命性一步。


與 Shiba Inu 不同的是,Retik 的卡片直接連接到容納用戶加密貨幣的數(shù)位錢包,而無(wú)需銀行帳戶。

Retik 的 DeFi 金融卡功能與傳統(tǒng)借記卡類似,但與數(shù)位錢包有獨(dú)特的聯(lián)繫。

使用時(shí),該卡可與 Retik 錢包無(wú)縫協(xié)作,快速將加密貨幣資金轉(zhuǎn)換為每筆交易的首選法定貨幣。


Retik Pay: Revolutionising Online Transactions

Within the Retik Finance ecosystem, Retik Pay emerges as a game-changing solution for online payments. This crypto payment processor brings the benefits of blockchain technology to e-commerce, offering seamless, secure, and cost-effective transactions. Unlike SHIB, Retik Pay disrupts the traditional fee structure with a mere 1% transaction fee, enabling merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments without significant financial burden. Retik Pay supports a range of cryptocurrencies, ensuring compatibility with various digital assets. This versatility positions it as a superior solution for businesses worldwide. Moreover, the platform transcends borders, facilitating global transactions without the hassles of currency conversion or international payment processing delays. By leveraging the inherent security of blockchain technology, Retik Pay minimises the risk of fraud, chargebacks, and other common issues associated with traditional online payments.

Retik Wallet: A Comprehensive Trading Solution

Retik Wallet stands as a comprehensive solution for trading needs, consolidating decentralised exchanges (DEXs) into a single application. Users gain access to diverse liquidity sources, enabling efficient execution of traditional DeFi activities. Unlike SHIB, Retik Wallet introduces functionalities typically associated with major centralised exchanges, offering a holistic trading experience. Prioritising top-tier security, Retik Wallet ensures the safety of user transactions. With Retik Enclave technology integrated by default, secure backup to Apple iCloud, and the implementation of optional Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), users can confidently engage in decentralised finance activities while safeguarding their assets. In summary, Retik Finance not only addresses traditional banking challenges but surpasses SHIB’s utilities with innovative solutions. From DeFi debit cards redefining spending to Retik Pay revolutionising online transactions and the comprehensive capabilities of Retik Wallet, this ecosystem positions Retik Finance as a frontrunner in the ever-evolving crypto landscape, poised to replace Shiba Inu in 2024.

With a successful presale that raised over $7 million in just 30 days, Retik Finance demonstrates significant investor confidence, setting the stage for potential growth in 2024. As Shiba Inu faces challenges, Retik Finance’s innovative solutions and diverse functionalities position it as a promising contender, poised to replace SHIB by offering enhanced features and utility in the evolving crypto landscape.

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IOTA (MIOTA): Revolutionising the Internet of Things (IoT)

IOTA (MIOTA) sets itself apart with a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Designed to record and execute transactions between machines and devices, IOTA uses a cryptocurrency called MIOTA for its network transactions. The key innovation lies in Tangle, a system of nodes used for confirming transactions, claimed to be faster and more efficient than typical blockchains. The IOTA Foundation, responsible for the ledger, has inked agreements with prominent companies like Bosch and Volkswagen, expanding the platform’s utility among connected devices. With a current trading price of $0.2472 and a 6.61% increase in the last 24 hours, IOTA showcases resilience and potential for growth in 2024. Its strategic focus on IoT and established partnerships make it a strong contender to replace SHIB.

Blur (BLUR): NFTs and Market Resilience

Blur (BLUR) has experienced a rollercoaster ride in the market, with significant value fluctuations. Despite this, Blur has shown resilience, climbing above $0.30 after a low of $0.1532 in October. The NFT platform associated with Blur is gaining momentum, attracting big-time backers and spiking interest in the cryptocurrency. Looking at the 2024 price outlook, Blur (BLUR) suggests a range with a yearly low of around $0.44 and a peak nearing $0.93. The unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency realm is acknowledged, but the growth potential is evident, especially with the rising interest in NFT technology. Forecasts for 2024 show a range from $1.42 to an ambitious average of $72.00 by 2030, driven by broader NFT adoption and the growth of the Blur (BLUR) platform positioning it as a token that can replace Shiba Inu in 2024.

Osmosis (OSMO): Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Recovery

Osmosis (OSMO) has demonstrated significant recovery over the past three months, positioning itself as a notable player in the decentralised finance (DeFi) arena. With a price rise, total value locked, and trading volume, Osmosis (OSMO) showcases growing prominence. Projections for Osmosis in 2024 suggest a yearly low of around $1.70 and a high of up to $5.18. The optimistic outlook indicates potential growth and substantial traction in 2024. The strategic merger with Umee adds another layer to Osmosis’s potential, but the project must navigate the market’s ups and downs effectively. Integrating within the Cosmos network and captivating its user base are crucial steps for Osmosis to become an integral part of the DeFi landscape. These developments and projections make Osmosis a contender that can replace Shiba Inu in 2024.

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Aptos (APT): Growing Ecosystem and Increased Engagement


Aptos (APT) 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)部署了 1,000 多個(gè)銘文,擁有超過(guò) 32,000 名持有人,用戶參與度和投資在過(guò)去一年有所增加。

Aptos (APT) 鎖定總價(jià)值飆升至 1.13 億美元以上,有力證明了對(duì)其不斷擴(kuò)大的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的信心和投資不斷增長(zhǎng)。

如果價(jià)格繼續(xù)保持當(dāng)前趨勢(shì),Aptos (APT) 到 2024 年的價(jià)格範(fàn)圍可能在 8.53 美元至 15.04 美元之間。銘文等新功能的推出可能會(huì)進(jìn)一步提高用戶參與度並推動(dòng) Aptos (APT) 價(jià)值上漲。

Aptos 在生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中不斷發(fā)展,其目標(biāo)是在 2024 年成為取代 Shiba Inu 的代幣。


雖然Shiba Inu (SHIB) 在加密世界中佔(zhàn)據(jù)了一席之地,但市場(chǎng)的動(dòng)態(tài)性質(zhì)帶來(lái)了新的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者,旨在於2024 年取代它。Retik Finance、IOTA、Blur、Osmosis 和Aptos 各自帶來(lái)了獨(dú)特的功能和解決方案,展示潛在的成長(zhǎng)和韌性。

隨著加密貨幣領(lǐng)域的不斷發(fā)展,這些代幣為尋求 2024 年下一個(gè)重大事件的投資者和愛好者提供了令人興奮的機(jī)會(huì)。

點(diǎn)此參加 Retik Finance 預(yù)售

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《這裡列出了 2024 年可以取代 Shiba Inu (Shib) 的 5 種代幣》一文首先出現(xiàn)在 Crypto News Land 上。



