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應對加密貨幣風暴:Solana (SOL) 和 Celestia (TIA) 在 ETF 後的看漲浪


在 24 小時內,超過 2.3 億美元的槓桿加密貨幣部位被清算。

這種波動的部分原因是美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的安全漏洞,導致有關現貨比特幣 ETF 獲得批準的虛假消息。

這起事件導致比特幣價格一度飆升至近 48,000 美元,但在錯誤訊息得到糾正後又暴跌至 45,000 美元區間。

在市場的起伏中,Solana (SOL) 和 Celestia (TIA) 以其顯著的價格波動以及在更廣泛的加密貨幣場景中發揮的獨特作用吸引了所有人的目光。


同時,預售加密貨幣項目 ScapesMania (MANIA) 因其預期的模式可預測性而受到廣泛關注,在不斷波動的加密領域中開闢了獨特的利基市場。

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮


ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。

透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。

廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。


預售現已開始 - 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度:每個成員的社群媒體資料都是公開的。


推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。


Solana (SOL) 價格分析


在 12 月 25 日觸及 125 美元的 20 個月高點後,SOL 經歷了調整,跌至 85 美元。


The Solana Foundation has attributed the project's growth to various factors, particularly emphasizing the role of developer activities. Throughout 2023, there were between 2,500 to 3,000 monthly active developers on the Solana blockchain. This metric is a key indicator of the project's growth.

As of the latest update, Solana (SOL) is trading between $97 and $100, reflecting a marginal weekly decline of about 9%. In a month, however, the coin has demonstrated notable growth of nearly 30%.

The prevailing bullish sentiment is underpinned by encouraging technical indicators. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 52.65, and the Stochastic %K registers at 39.69, indicating a predominantly neutral condition. While the Momentum at ?4.2463 is signaling a sell, the Bull Bear Power at ?0.6135 is suggesting a buying opportunity.

An analysis of moving averages further supports the overall bullish outlook. Although short-term momentum may lean bearish, with the 10-day EMA positioned at $98.6396 and the 10-day SMA at $99.8244. The current price slightly below these levels suggests a potential for a minor correction. On a longer-term horizon, optimism prevails, with the 100-day EMA standing at $66.7981 and the 100-day SMA at $59.1167.

Solana (SOL) Price Prediction

Given the recent surge in developer activity, positive market sentiment, and promising technical indicators, Solana (SOL) seems to be poised for a bullish trajectory. The critical resistance levels to monitor are approximately $109.34 and $132.01. Surpassing these thresholds could signify a substantial uptrend. The increasing interest in Solana's ecosystem, particularly within its developer community, further reinforces this optimistic outlook.

However, the cryptocurrency market is characterized by unpredictable fluctuations. The oscillators indicating neutrality and the bearish signals from the Momentum indicator reflect a certain level of indecision, suggesting the potential for a short-term retracement. If SOL declines, the immediate support at $65.29 becomes pivotal.

Celestia (TIA) Price Analysis

Celestia (TIA) has garnered significant interest from investors, particularly due to the bull market momentum. This interest is partly driven by the airdrops conducted by Saga and Dymension for TIA stakers, which are expected to boost demand. Investors are acquiring and staking TIA in hopes of benefiting from future airdrops.

At the time of writing, TIA is trading between $14.08 and $15.01. It has been on a long-staing bullish rally, gaining over 500% in a quarter. In a week, the price rose almost 20%.

The positive outlook for the coin is substantiated by a set of robust technical indicators. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) registering at $53.33 and the Stochastic %K at $63.26 reflect a neutral stance, indicating a well-balanced market sentiment. Simultaneously, the majority of indicators lean towards a buying sentiment, with the Momentum holding at 0.36 and the MACD Level at ?0.005.


10 天簡單移動平均線 (SMA) 為 15.112 美元,10 天指數移動平均線 (EMA) 為 15.191 美元。


此外,長期前景仍然樂觀,100 日移動平均線為 14.736 美元,100 日均線為 14.854 美元。

Celestia (TIA) 價格預測

最近 Celestia (TIA) 價值的上漲,加上有關潛在空投的熱議,隨著市場樂觀情緒的增長,投資者密切關注。

技術指標顯示看漲趨勢,如果這種情況成立,TIA 面臨第一個上行目標 17.823 美元。

突破該水準可能會帶來更多漲幅,至 21.307 美元。


值得關注的關鍵支撐位是 13.811 美元。



近期,由於比特幣現貨 ETF 核準的假消息引發加密貨幣市場動盪並導致大量清算,凸顯了市場對外部因素的敏感度。

在這種情況下,Solana (SOL) 和 Celestia (TIA) 已成為價格走勢明顯的關鍵參與者。


同時,在空投和看漲市場的推動下,Celestia 表現出了大幅成長。



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