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The Logic of Scammers

What is the logic of the scammer?

Do you know what the best marketing program in the world is? It is the confession of the scammer, because in the confession of the scammer, they will confess how they cheated people. After watching it, you will feel that the scammer is really a master of psychology, human nature, and marketing.

If you master the tricks of the scammer, you can use them in the right way. It is completely wrong to be a scammer. It is definitely impossible to advocate this kind of value. It is only advocating to learn the underlying logic of the scammer to cheat people. Let me first declare that "you must never use it to cheat people."

I have seen an example where a rich man was cheated of 1.5 million by a scammer. After the police recovered the money, the rich man gave the money to the scammer. Why? Although the rich man was cheated, he had a happy chat and felt that he had met a confidant. Money is easy to get, but confidants are hard to find, so he gave 1.5 million to the confidant, hoping that the confidant would not despise it. In the end, the rich man and the scammer became true friends.

There was another scammer who wanted to cheat an old man out of his money, but the old man used to be a university teacher and had a high awareness of prevention. After the scammer realized this, he changed his strategy and first created some small troubles to ask the old man to help him. For example, when he encountered something academic that he was confused about, he would go to the old man for advice. After a few times, the old man had a strong sense of being needed. When the scammer did not come for a week or two, he felt uncomfortable. When the old man had a need for the scammer, he was quickly deceived. After the police solved the case and found the old man, the old man was surprised at first, and then felt that the scammer was diligent and studious, so he did not pursue responsibility.

The above two cases reveal a common truth. Ordinary people only care about their own affairs, while scammers care about the needs of others. What others need, the scammer will give it. The scammer is very concerned about any trivial matters of yours, which will make you feel like you have met a confidant in life, because everyone has weaknesses. We may not pay attention to our weaknesses, but scammers will definitely care.

I don't know if you have used Beibeijia, Ojixing, E-book, 8848 titanium mobile phone. If you have, you should know a very important name in the history of marketing: "Du Guoying". Why is he so good?Because he is good at finding pain points from the weaknesses of human nature, the best-selling of all his products is human nature.

First of all, I am not saying that Du Guoying is a liar, but that they are all masters of human nature, thinking about what you lack, what you need, and what I can give you every day. Beibeijia sells parents' anxiety about their children's growth, Haojixing sells the gimmicks and explorations of new educational methods, and 8848 sells the symbol of successful people's identity, which is actually not much different from the underlying thinking logic of liars.

Even if we don't have such a good impression of marketing, you must admit that in the business world, marketing is just a very common means, and even a very popular knowledge. We should not fight against marketing, but should learn marketing, because a person's life is marketing his own life, you are the product you produce, and the wealth you get is your marketing and realization of your product.


