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"Da Bing's Intraday Trading Success"

4.8 Intraday trading summary


Da Bing traded 5 baskets in total during the day, 4 baskets earned 3145 points, and 1 basket earned 600 points.

Da Bing traded 69882-69188 short, earned 694 points

Da Bing traded 69188-69822 long, earned 634 points

Da Bing traded 71285-72191 long, earned 906 points

Da Bing traded 70900-71500 short, earned 600 points

Da Bing traded 72756-71845 short, earned 911 points

Smart people always travel together, grasp the opportunity to trade, and grasp the market trend, so as to win every battle. Turning the tide is destined to be a lonely journey. As long as you are willing to take action, I will accompany you all the way! #大盤走勢(shì) #Meme #WIF #sui #SHIB


