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The Roller Coaster of Cryptocurrency Trading

The current market situation seems to be a severe test, foreshadowing the long suffering before the upcoming bull market, which is as difficult as hell! $BTC

Whenever you doubt the prospects of this coin and choose to sell it reluctantly, it seems to be against you, and it will rise by 10% in a blink of an eye, making you miserable.

When you are full of expectations and think it is about to soar, you hurriedly sell other currencies to chase the rise, but it starts to fall all the way, making your mood fluctuate like a roller coaster.

And the currency you just sold, miraculously took off again, as if laughing at your indecision.

Such a cycle relentlessly cleans up the market's leverage and consumes your principal. However, just when you are almost desperate, the bull market comes!

More friends, more paths. If you are still confused and don’t know how to choose a strong coin, I suggest you look at my pinned post. I hope it can help you!

The Roller Coaster of Cryptocurrency Trading


