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In the early stage of the bull market, the dominant force has become external capital inflow, not the old people in the coin circle. Whoever can grasp the emotion of external inflow can dominate the direction. Now the logic has changed, and it cannot be analyzed and developed according to the original thinking

. Just like SHIB in the last bull market began to pull up the dominant funds, my judgment is that it should not be from the original coin circle, and this year's BOME is the same. Of course, those who follow the rise must be from the coin circle. The bull market is to siphon external traffic.

The bull market is originally a process of siphoning the outside, which is a very short process for the total number of users in the coin circle to increase again. The users who settle down are the old users of the next round of bull market, and they also become users of the coin circle. qun蟋紴:2327321427Some of the original old people in the coin circle cannot adapt to this change, and even FUD newly born projects, especially meme coins. In fact, the logic has changed, but he still thinks as before. In the new bull market, the dominant force must be external capital inflow, and the scale is very large. #BitcoinDigitalCoin[Super Topic]##Blockchain#

Worldcoin, unfortunately, is a VC-driven coin. If Worldcoin is 100% community-driven, it will be the most perfect AI meme coin and will become the Dogecoin of this year's bull market. #新幣挖礦 #Fet #非農數據



