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2024 年加密貨幣觀察名單:3 種山寨幣注定會驚人成長

加密市場目前正準備發生重大變化,比特幣社群熱切等待 SEC 對美國首個現貨比特幣 ETF 的決定。



然而,市場有可能立即出現調整,預計比特幣的價格可能會跌至 32,000 美元左右,隨後進入復甦階段,可能將整體加密市場價值推至 2 兆美元以上。

在這種動態場景中,Cardano (ADA)、Polygon (MATIC)、Blur (BLUR) 和 ScapesMania (MANIA) 等山寨幣正在成為 2024 年加密貨幣的驚喜。



與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮


ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。

透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。

廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。


預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度。


推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。


卡爾達諾(ADA):發展前景和 DeFi 挑戰


儘管開發活動激增,過去 30 天內 GitHub 上平均每天有 449 個開發,但其去中心化金融 (DeFi) 格局卻面臨低迷。


然而,卡爾達諾(ADA)內的 DeFi 領域的活動正在減弱。

Cardano (ADA) price range currently fluctuates between $0.418 and $0.724. The 10-Day Moving Average stands at $0.559, while the 100-Day Moving Average is at $0.409. The support level is found at $0.243, with resistance levels at $0.854 and $1.160.

The robust development activity bodes well for the future of Cardano, potentially leading to enhanced features and broader capabilities. However, the sluggish DeFi sector poses a challenge. If the gap between development and actual network usage narrows, Cardano (ADA) could see a positive trajectory. Conversely, continued disinterest in the DeFi space may hinder growth. The market will closely watch the evolving dynamics, especially with anticipation surrounding protocol launches like Indigo's V2.

Polygon (MATIC): Rising Activity Amidst Market Turbulence

Polygon (MATIC) has seen a rise in network activity, with the highest number of daily active addresses since October 2023, averaging 500 thousand per day. This suggests increased demand and adoption. However, despite the rise in active addresses, the number of daily transactions has declined, and key metrics like TVL, generated fees, and revenue have dropped. Polygon (MATIC) price has also turned bearish, down by more than 19% in the last seven days.

Polygon (MATIC) price range is currently between $0.784 and $1.124. The 10-Day Moving Average is $0.890, and the 100-Day Moving Average is $0.751. Support levels are at $0.256 and $0.597, with resistance levels at $1.278 and $1.619.

The increased network activity indicates a growing user base, which could lead to higher demand and price increases for Polygon (MATIC). However, the decline in daily transactions and key financial metrics, coupled with bearish market sentiment, presents challenges. If Polygon can capitalize on its active user base and reverse the negative trends in transactions and value capture, it may see a positive price movement. However, continued bearish trends could lead to further declines.

Blur (BLUR): Stability in the Wake of Token Unlocks

Blur (BLUR) has recently unlocked over 49 million tokens, leading to a significant increase in exchange activity. Despite this, the token has added over 7% in value, indicating a balanced movement of tokens on and off exchanges. This suggests a stable post-unlock scenario without imminent sell-offs, reflecting a resilient response to the unlock events.

Blur (BLUR) price range is currently between $0.377 and $0.569. The 10-Day Moving Average is $0.477, and the 100-Day Moving Average is $0.373. Support levels are at $0.099 and $0.291, with resistance levels at $0.674 and $0.866.



如果 Blur (BLUR) 能夠保持上漲軌跡並繼續吸引買家,那麼價格可能會進一步上漲。




隨著加密貨幣市場在 2024 年發生重大變化,特別是隨著美國首個現貨比特幣 ETF 可能獲得批準,某些山寨幣值得關注。

Cardano (ADA)、Polygon (MATIC) 和 Blur (BLUR) 在這個不斷發展的領域中脫穎而出,成為令人驚訝的參與者。


卡爾達諾(ADA)儘管開發活動強勁,但在 DeFi 領域面臨挑戰,其未來取決於彌合開發和網路使用之間的差距。

Polygon (MATIC) 顯示網路活動增加,但面臨交易量下降和看跌的市場情緒,這表明需要進行策略調整以利用其不斷增長的用戶群。


這些山寨幣各有其獨特的發展軌跡,預計在 2024 年重塑加密貨幣市場格局。


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