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"Spot Player: Ambush, Not Chase the Rise"

$BTC $ETH $BNB I woke up today and checked the square, and saw that there were still a bunch of people scolding cake. Did you say you missed the bull market after two years? To be honest, in my opinion, the people who are scolding are actually not making much money in the bull market. Let me just say that when you bought cake1u, it was 5 times more at the highest and 4 times more now. Which bull market did you miss? And it hasn't exploded yet. Most copycats have actually not started yet. You don't buy low prices or cover positions. The lowest price of BNB is more than 200. You didn't buy it. How many people have criticized you for missing the bull market with BNB? Then if you reach the highest point of 49u now, I will say that this bull market may not necessarily break new highs. So what were you doing in the last bull market? There will always be people making money, so why are you losing money? To put it bluntly, isn’t it a matter of your own lack of knowledge? If you don’t dare to buy when it’s low, you’ll be short when it’s high. If it’s doubled five times and you’re saying you’ve missed the bull market, you’re actually not making any money after the last round of big pie.

In my opinion, as long as any currency is listed on Binance, it should be less rubbish. In everything, think more about why others make money and you lose money. You can make a lot more money by improving your awareness and spending your time complaining on selecting high-quality currencies. I also entered the market in February, why did I earn almost 70 W? The bull market is also a process of selecting high-quality coins. Some high-quality coins can be known from the beginning, and some can only be revealed slowly as the bull market progresses. If you don’t know how, you can join my membership in the comment area of ??the pinned article. Firstly, I don’t chase the rise and kill the fall. Secondly, I only ambush products such as meme coins and ship them in batches at 3 times or more. I don’t consider entering the market except for the lowest point of each stage of large-volatility tokens. Those who call a coin awesome are the same people who call it rubbish. Only buying and not selling is the greatest respect for the bull market!

Follow me, a spot player who only ambush but not chase the rise.


