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Filtering Projects with High Odds

  • HIGH
  • 2024-03-27 12:25:07
  • 82

How to filter projects with high odds?

1. My recent experience is that it is either a blank piece of paper, that is, the project party itself does not know what it is doing and what it can do in the future. Anyway, it is a social experiment, such as the early ORDI, with no road map, no application, etc. wait.

The advantage of white paper is that there is a lot of room for imagination. Everyone can write and draw on it. Each community has its own understanding. Gradually, some opinions become the consensus of everyone, and the circle is further broken.

Most people easily regard blank paper as waste paper, so the odds are high. The core of high odds is the cost, and the time of participation is very important.

2. Either the project team's PPT is very good, and you can't understand the roadmap and project introduction after reading it three or four times. You seem to understand it, but you can't quickly summarize the core points. It's commonly known as coating shit with gold. You go on At its gambling table, you can't see who is the pig.

There is quite a lot of ambiguity in this direction, because many people say that Leek likes to make money. If it is a simple rush, if it is too complicated, just give up. Leave qun Jiawei 362014583 to look at the wool road map. But if the threshold is too low, it’s easy to get lost in waves, and it’s all about cutting leeks from each other, with no potential for growth.

It is precisely because of Leeks' ignorance that this type of product has the opportunity to brainwash Leeks. The right to explain lies with the official side. Although Leeks will be suspicious, the project side will manage expectations and allow people whom Leeks trust to influence Leeks' expectations, such as land. When recommending a property, the aunt will tell them what kind of thing it is. If you buy it now, the villa will be close to the sea in a year.

This type of project is a real test for the project team, in terms of social management, funding, publicity and distribution channels, and is very taxing on the resources at hand.


