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3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

隨著比特幣減半將於 25 天後開始,隨著投資者尋求更新其投資組合,購買壓力正在增加。此舉反映了投資者的看漲樂觀情緒,促使他們探索具有成長潛力的有前途的代幣。在這一點(diǎn)上,隨著投資者尋求不同的投資途徑,山寨幣受到關(guān)注。

然而,選擇合適的山寨幣需要徹底的研究和勤奮。 InsideBitcoins 透過重點(diǎn)介紹幾種值得投資者關(guān)注的著名山寨幣來簡化這一過程。

現(xiàn)在最值得投資的 5 種山寨幣

投資者越來越關(guān)注 IOTA、Injective 和 Fetch.ai 等代幣,在即將到來的山寨幣季節(jié)中將它們視為利潤豐厚的投資前景。這種興趣的增加增強(qiáng)了投資者的信任,促使他們積極審查和完善自己的投資組合。

eTukTuk 的預(yù)售已超過 240 萬美元,吸引了投資者,其目標(biāo)是徹底改變發(fā)展中地區(qū)的交通系統(tǒng)。此外,比特幣本週開始飆升 7%,重回 7 萬美元大關(guān)。


自今年年初以來,由於用例和專案不斷增加,人工智慧代幣的採用率不斷增加。有鑑於此,人工智慧領(lǐng)域舉辦了一些先進(jìn)活動,例如在加州聖荷西舉行的 NVIDIA 人工智慧會議。包括以其多功能性而聞名的 Fetch.ai 在內(nèi)的多種 AI 代幣都受益於這種關(guān)注。

此外,隨著人工智慧代幣的宣傳力度加大,F(xiàn)ET 今年以來一直在向北發(fā)展。在最後一盤中,F(xiàn)etch.ai 大幅上漲 12.26%,交易價格為 2.83 美元。

3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

此外,F(xiàn)ET 的持續(xù)上漲趨勢導(dǎo)致過去一年價格上漲 697%。由於這令人印象深刻的表現(xiàn),F(xiàn)ET 的表現(xiàn)優(yōu)於前 100 種加密資產(chǎn)中的 91%,包括 BTC 和 ETH。同樣,F(xiàn)etch.ai 目前的交易位置比 200 日簡單移動平均線高 232.60%,表明持續(xù)的積極勢頭。

沿著交易線,F(xiàn)etch.ai 的表現(xiàn)仍然強(qiáng)勁,以綠色燭臺收盤於 17/30 天。此外,其交易價格接近週期高點(diǎn) 2.93%,並且基於其市值而擁有高流動性。有鑑於此,市場專家預(yù)計(jì) Fetch.ai 將進(jìn)一步成長。這項(xiàng)預(yù)測主要?dú)w因於加密貨幣市場的良好發(fā)展和即將到來的牛市預(yù)期。

昨天,https://t.co/kJ9URVpOul 團(tuán)隊(duì)在@EconomistEvents 商業(yè)創(chuàng)新高峰會#EconBIS 上度過了愉快的時光。

我們要感謝所有前來表示有興趣或聆聽我們的執(zhí)行長兼創(chuàng)辦人 @HMsheikh4 參加的以 AI 代理為中心的小組的所有人 pic.twitter.com/lmHULE4NXX

— Fetch.ai (@Fetch_ai) 2024 年 3 月 22 日

Predictions suggest that Fetch.ai could surpass $4 and reach $4.14 by 2024. These forecasts reflect the growing confidence in the Company’s trajectory. Hence, investors are closely monitoring the project to see how it unfolds.

2. Injective (INJ)

Despite its early stage in the blockchain domain, Iinjective has garnered substantial attention. The project has attracted numerous DeFi initiatives to enhance its ecosystem’s foundational infrastructure. Moreover, the project DeFi space is rapidly expanding, with recent successful funding rounds highlighting its significance.

Furthermore, the project has initiated new collaborations with Noble and Clusters. Injective’s partnership with Noble means it gains direct access to the USDC issued on the platform. Hence, users can now access native USDC via various dApps across the ecosystem, including HelixApp. Additionally, the official integration of Injective and Clustersxyz allows for a unified identity across Ethereum, Injective, and Solana.

3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

These partnerships have generated buzz around the INJ token, leading to a 9.33% increase in value. Injective is currently trading at $40.35, with a 24-hour trading volume of $700.75 million. Meanwhile, sentiment analysis suggests a bullish outlook, suggesting that the uptrend will persist. As a result, the Greed score has increased to 81, signaling increased buying pressure.

As a result of the recent integration with @noble_xyz, Injective gains direct access to USDC issued on the platform ?

Users can access native USDC via a number of dApps across the ecosystem such as @HelixApp_.

Details https://t.co/IP1Tut5MwU

— Injective (@injective) March 25, 2024

Likewise, Injective is trading 266.48% above the 200-day simple moving average. This demonstrates positive performance compared to its token sale price and trading near its cycle high. Additionally, it holds the 4th position in the AI crypto sector, boasting high liquidity based on its market cap.

3. THORChain (RUNE)

The recent rally in the crypto market has propelled THORChain alongside, surging towards its all-time high. Despite a brief dip below the $11 mark, THORChain swiftly rebounded before returning to the $7.63 price. Nonetheless, RUNE’s 594% over the past year, coupled with a remarkable performance in 2024, positions it as one of the crypto market’s top gainers.

THORChain is trading at $9.64, marking an 11.95% intraday increase. Moreover, THORChain’s market sentiment is bullish as a Fear/Greed score of 81 shows increased token transactions. Moreover, THORChain has outperformed 87% of the top 100 crypto assets in the past year, surpassing Bitcoin and Ethereum.

3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

Trading above the 200-day simple moving average, THORChain boasts positive performance compared to its token sale price. This performance signifies a positive ROI in USD, BTC, and ETH. Despite a noticeable 22.84% decline on its weekly chart, fluctuating between $7.3 and $11.4, THORChain holds strong potential for further upsurges. On this note, experts predict it could surpass the $11 threshold to retest its all-time high of $19.

THORChain continues to demonstrate sustainability.

In the last 2 years from ~10% to ~40% of income from liquidity fees.

Eventually it will be ~100%. pic.twitter.com/zbyDgpZf6V

— THORChain (@THORChain) March 26, 2024

With a market capitalization of $2 billion, THORChain is currently ranked 47th among leading cryptocurrencies. Based on its market cap, the coin has exhibited high liquidity. In addition, there have been 17 green days in the last 30 days (57%).

Despite its recent gains, THORChain has faced fluctuations. However, its resilience and positive performance metrics indicate substantial potential for future growth. Investors and enthusiasts are closely monitoring THORChain as it continues to make significant moves in the crypto market.


Bloom and Transak have partnered to create a secure wallet hub, simplifying token and NFT trading. The goal is to act as a portal for discovering new decentralized apps (dApps) and optimizing DeFi investments. Through this integration, investors can purchase IOTA directly from Bloom’s user-friendly wallet, which is accessible on Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms.

3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

News of this collaboration has caused an uptick in IOTA’s price. The token trades at $0.367530 after a 12.56% increase over the last 24 hours. Moreover, its price has surged by 79% over the past year, consistently trading above the 200-day simple moving average.

Exciting news: our #EVM L2 has successfully passed the thorough audit by @zokyo_io. One of the final (and most important) steps to prepare the #IOTAEVM launch! Read it in full??#IOTA https://t.co/knjml1m9ui

— IOTA (@iota) March 26, 2024

Analyzing its recent performance, IOTA has experienced 20 consecutive gains, with 67% of the last 30 days closing higher than opening prices. Its high liquidity, reflected in its market cap, indicates a favorable trading environment. Market sentiment towards IOTA remains bullish, as evidenced by a Fear & Greed Index rating of 81, indicating extreme greed among investors. This sentiment aligns with further upward movement in IOTA’s price prediction.

5. eTukTuk (TUK)

eTukTuk’s presale has surpassed the $2.4 million mark, with investors attracted by its goal of transforming transportation systems in developing regions. Utilizing blockchain technology, eTukTuk is dedicated to improving sustainability within urban transportation networks. Through the integration of AI-driven optimization, the project seeks to streamline routes, alleviate traffic congestion, and curtail fuel consumption.

我們已經(jīng)達(dá)到了一個重要的里程碑,預(yù)售籌集了 200 萬美元!



- eTukTuk (@eTukTukio) 2024 年 3 月 20 日

此外,eTukTuk 預(yù)售正在分階段進(jìn)行,隨著資金到位,其原生代幣 TUK 的價格逐漸上漲。該項(xiàng)目的硬上限目標(biāo)設(shè)定為 1,070 萬美元,堅(jiān)定不移地追求實(shí)現(xiàn)既定目標(biāo)。 TUK 代幣目前的價值為 0.029 美元,可以使用 BNB、USDT 或信用卡/金融卡輕鬆購買。

此外,投資者還有機(jī)會質(zhì)押他們的代幣,可能獲得高達(dá) 105% 的年化報(bào)酬率。超過 4,700 萬枚 TUK 代幣已被質(zhì)押,預(yù)售參與者獲得了 20 億枚 TUK 代幣供應(yīng)總量的 6%。預(yù)售階段結(jié)束後,eTukTuk 打算將 TUK 在領(lǐng)先的交易所上市,從而提高投資者的流動性和可及性。

造訪 eTukTuk 預(yù)售


  • 最佳山寨幣列表

  • 我們之前最好的現(xiàn)在投資的山寨幣帖子

綠色比特幣 - 遊戲化綠色質(zhì)押


3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai

  • Coinsult 審核的合約

  • 搶先體驗(yàn)預(yù)售現(xiàn)已上線 - greenbitcoin.xyz

  • 預(yù)測賺錢 - Cointelegraph 精選

  • 質(zhì)押獎勵和代幣獎金

  • 籌集超過 900 萬美元 - 即將結(jié)束

3 月 26 日立即投資的 5 種最佳山寨幣 – IOTA、Injective、Fetch.ai



