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Currency Sector: Ambush, Rotate, Refine Step by St

  • By STEP
  • 2024-03-24 15:38:02
  • 59

I have said many times that you must be a scumbag in the currency circle!

Except for Bitcoin and Ethereum, don’t have any faith! ! ! Everyone is shouting that when the sector takes off, it is when it plummets.

You have to ambush all the coins in advance. Don’t ask every day if you can get in after the price rises. After falling, ask if there is still a chance. The currency sector is rotating!

Inscription plate stas rats ordi rotation to wld rotation to refining step by step! ! ! Just like why the ftt and luna series were planned in advance this week? ? ?

After the price went up, I always shouted to reduce my position. It’s safe to fall into the bag, hold on to the light warehouse! The USDT that falls into your pocket is yours! ! !

Most of the reasons why Leek loses money is that it cannot find hot spots or chase high prices!


