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8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m

Absolutely true, it helps everyone relieve their anxiety in the bull market----------------------Requirements for steady profits

Everyone knows Murphy's Law, and it is the same when doing transactions. For example, a novice trader may be liquidated once after ten operations. Then maybe Old Leek. If he operates 100 times, his position will be liquidated once. Maybe I say he is as strong as our top traders and top traders. Maybe if we operate 10,000 times, our position will be liquidated once. This is undeniable, just as a trader. We must all admit that one day we will face the result of liquidation. Because we have been living in the market, the number of operations continues to increase, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 probability, as long as you operate in the market for a long time, then the 1 in 10,000 probability will eventually be triggered? ?

So a fan who just met me told me that my orders were too profitable and I could never keep them. I think this is the biggest reason why Leek loses money? ?. You may have had some teachers teach you how to play ultra-short-term trading before, such as ETH. If you make a few tens of dollars of profit, you will be able to stop profit. Do you think this short-term profit will come quickly and comfortably? right? This is the idea. I have also done ultra-short-term trading. After an order enters the market, there may be a profit margin of dozens of points, so I will take profit. I feel that I will make money quickly with this order, and I feel that making money is as easy as breathing. Then I was blinded and started to operate frequently, finally because I wanted to make ultra-short-term small profits. A certain order went against the trend and the position was liquidated. Think about it, is the process of liquidation the same?

So what I said is that as a trader who trades in the market for a long time, he will eventually make mistakes, but the probability of making a mistake is different. Some people are 1/10, and some people are 1%. For example, if you say we are very strong, then we may be 1 in 10,000. one. But after all, after 10,000 operations, I will still encounter it once, so what should I do? Just reduce the frequency of operation. For example, if we basically open a position to eat up the entire trend, then the shortest take-profit will be more than 15 hours, that is, the shortest stop-profit will be taken within one day, and we will not open continuously within one day. A few orders. The fastest is one order a day, and sometimes a trend lasts for two or three days. Only after taking a profit order will the next order be opened. In fact, after you get used to this kind of list, you will find it extremely comfortable, because if you just follow a trend from beginning to end, and the list keeps floating, you will not have any psychological burden, and your mentality will become better? ?So for example, if I have 10,000 explosions, even if I place one order a day, it will take me 30 years to liquidate my position. Then after 30 years, I will have achieved financial freedom, brothers. But let's say you do short-term operations. Even if you have a probability of liquidation 10,000 times, in fact the probability of liquidation is greater during short-term operations because the mentality is worse. If you operate ten times a day, your position will be liquidated in 1,000 days, and your position will be liquidated in three years.

So if you want to make big money in the currency circle in the long term, you must take trend orders like this

8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m

8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m

8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m

8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m

8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m

8 years in the currency circle, huge losses of 3 m


