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The Four Stages of Bitcoin Halving

The Bitcoin halving process can generally be divided into four stages:

1. The rising period before halving:

Approximately 60 days before the Bitcoin halving, the market tends to trend upward. This is because investors will anticipate the halving event, and short-term traders and speculators will actively participate in the hype, hoping to profit from the rebound in price.

2. The callback stage before halving:

After the upward trend before halving ends, there will often be a correction process. This pullback usually occurs in the weeks leading up to the halving event, and its depth and duration vary depending on the situation. Investors may sell their Bitcoin holdings to realize profits.

3. Re-accumulation period after halving:

After experiencing a pre-halving correction, the market often enters a re-accumulation period of more than one month or even more. During this time, many investors may feel bored, impatient, and disappointed as Bitcoin’s performance after the halving is not ideal.

4. Parabolic rise stage after halving:

Once Bitcoin breaks out of the re-accumulation phase, it may enter a parabolic uptrend. At this stage, Bitcoin's growth rate will accelerate, and the market may usher in new historical highs. This phase may last more than a year, and market sentiment is often at a high.

The Four Stages of Bitcoin Halving


