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BNB Greenfield Pawnee Hard Fork Update

BNB Greenfield is about to undergo Pawnee hard fork upgrade

On March 23, the BNB Greenfield network is about to undergo the Pawnee hard fork, which will bring a series of updates and improvements to the platform. According to the official announcement, the testnet Pawnee hard fork is expected to occur at block height 6,623,127 at 7:00 am UTC on March 27, while the mainnet hard fork is expected to occur at 7:00 am UTC on April 10. Block height 6,239,529 occurs. All validators and storage providers (SPs) need to be updated to the latest version before the hard fork. Validators use greenfield v1.5.1 and storage providers use greenfield-storage-provider v1.5.0. The upcoming hard fork will not affect users’ account balances on Greenfield, and all stored data will remain accessible.

New improvements include support for atomic updates, allowing deletion of objects in a created state, etc., aiming to improve user experience and simplify the development process on Greenfield. Since the launch of the mainnet in October 2023, Greenfield has attracted multiple innovative projects to store and develop data in the BNBChain ecosystem. Based on feedback from these new projects, Greenfield is committed to enhancing the user experience and simplifying the development process. Optimization measures include simplifying off-chain authentication on Greenfield, using the main storage provider as an upload agent for object creation, and introducing a storage fee payer to facilitate developers to develop applications for Greenfield more conveniently and ensure that all users can easily access it. Centralized storage service.


