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"The Leek Craze: A Bull Market Frenzy"

The more leeks go up, the more you buy them

The first time I realized it was too high,

Until the price increases, you can no longer control it and must take over.

History repeats itself

The meme craze on Ethereum last March and April came out Pepe

Last year, the Bitcoin ecosystem launched ordi, sats, rats, etc.

The sol meme was also released in March this year.

The difference is that this time it is a bull market, with a lot of money and fast speed. From 0 to 600 million in one day. But changing the soup does not change the medicine.

The core is that even pigs can fly.

In November and December last year, the inscription on Bitcoin was the outlet.

Now sol is the trend.

Artists are all clamoring for money, and the reason why it’s so frustrating to make money is that the last person who made money is still making money. But sooner or later there will be a collapse.

The stupidest thing is: every time I take the offer when the popularity is the highest, and then I have to call it a scam. Always chasing the wind at the end of the wind. In the end, everything was lost. By the time his storm came, he had already cleared out his stocks, which was extremely ridiculous.

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