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分析師強(qiáng)調(diào)山寨幣已準(zhǔn)備好迎接這次牛市的下一次上漲的帖子首先出現(xiàn)在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上





BlastUP 預(yù)售達(dá) 200 萬美元:預(yù)測(cè)加密貨幣領(lǐng)域的下一個(gè)重大事件

BlastUP 是 Blast 上的首要啟動(dòng)平臺(tái),最近以其令人頭暈?zāi)垦5氖状瘟料嘣诩用苁澜缫鹆宿Z動(dòng),


200 萬美元。

已經(jīng)認(rèn)識(shí)到 BlastUP 巨大潛力的早期投資者數(shù)量正在呈指數(shù)級(jí)增長(zhǎng)。

BlastUP 準(zhǔn)備取得巨大成功,並計(jì)劃透過人工智慧創(chuàng)新為 Web3 工具提供支持,以實(shí)現(xiàn)快速、高品質(zhì)的新創(chuàng)公司發(fā)布。




目前,BlastUP 正在進(jìn)行第四個(gè)預(yù)售階段,以最低價(jià)格提供 BlastUP 代幣。

現(xiàn)在以 0.055 美元的價(jià)格購(gòu)買這些代幣,您將獲得

45% 的大幅折扣

,因?yàn)樯鲜袃r(jià)格設(shè)定為 0.1 美元。

>> 成為第一名!

從 BlastUP 預(yù)售中獲取獨(dú)家福利 <<

BlastUP 代幣的持有者可以受益於許多


,包括代幣銷售分配、參與 IDO 的獨(dú)家





遵循幫助區(qū)塊鏈新創(chuàng)公司更快成長(zhǎng)並賺取更多收入的簡(jiǎn)單使命,BlastUP 正在成為主導(dǎo)力量。






BlastUP 的全面路線圖將持續(xù)到 2026 年,其中概述了推出 AI IDO 篩選器、開發(fā)為新創(chuàng)團(tuán)隊(duì)量身定制的 AI 工具以及建立社區(qū)市場(chǎng)的計(jì)劃。

>> 立即加入 BlastUP 預(yù)售,解鎖早期福利 <<

NEAR 協(xié)議代幣上漲,在市場(chǎng)中性的情況下激發(fā)獲利潛力

NEAR Protocol’s token has been on an upward trajectory, doubling its value in the recent week. Signed on by Nvidia’s AI conference, this rally could maintain momentum based on technological leverage. With the current price at $7.76 and the nearest resistance level at $9.11, opportunity lies for a potentially profitable drive upwards. However, it is important to note that short-term market conditions are currently neutral, urging for careful observation.

On the other hand, it’s evident that the recent surge could invite greater market scrutiny, thus, creating possibilities for price correction. The nearest support levels being at $2.97 and $2.07 underscore the potential risks. Long-term perspectives look favorable though – with both 10-day and 100-day simple moving averages recommending a buy action. The long-term strategy, hence, might take advantage of NEAR’s current wave to foster profits.

Aptos’s Future Performance: Analyzing Opportunities and Risks

Aptos has a current price of $13.62. With $334 million worth of APT due to flood the market, this might bring about some ripple effects. Given the second resistance level at $15.82, there could be a surge up to this point, making Aptos a potentially fruitful long-term investment. However, it’s also crucial to note the MACD recommends a ‘Buy’ action which, matched with an increased volume, can fuel the price upwards.

On the same token, scenarios might also point in the opposite direction. The large inflow forecasted might cause an oversupply, risking a downward push to the nearest support level of $9.07. Even more, the second support level is as low as $6.41. The RSI and the Stochastic RSI fast stand as ‘neutral’, showing the uncertainty about the short-term price action of Aptos. The upcoming volatility could be a double-edged sword, serving both opportunities and risks.

Optimism Foundation’s OP token sale may affect market volatility

The Optimism Foundation’s latest sale of OP tokens could instigate short-term volatility. While increased liquidity may aid in breaking nearest and second resistance levels at $4.32 and $4.95, respective analytical tools like MACD and SMA-10 suggest selling strategies. This hints at a potential price correction before any significant upward trend.

In the long run, the enlargement of the token’s market may anchor sturdier support levels. The current price at $4.13 is already above the SMA-100 recommendation at $3.39, indicating a buy. This provides insight into maintained growth and price stability over time, despite short-term market oscillations.


儘管 NEAR Protocol、Aptos 和 Optimism 等山寨幣潛力巨大,但 BlastUP 已成為目前多頭市場(chǎng)的領(lǐng)跑者。

憑藉其在 Blast 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中的強(qiáng)大影響力、創(chuàng)新理念和巨大的預(yù)售成功,BlastUP 體現(xiàn)了山寨幣在加密領(lǐng)域帶來的高潛力機(jī)會(huì)。


  • 網(wǎng)址:https://blastup.io/

  • 推特:https://twitter.com/Blastup_io

  • 不和諧:https://discord.gg/5Kc3nDhqVW

  • 電報(bào):https://t.me/blastup_io


