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Hot Sector Alert: Chain Games Taking Center Stage

Next, I officially announced that the hot sector will rotate to chain games. The#AIand#Memesectors have been in the limelight recently, with increases of fifty or sixty points a day being the norm, especially the#AIsector, which will surely run through the entire bull market, led by the big bull coin#RNDR#WLD#FET#ARKM. As long as The callback can be used for layout. It is worth noting that both experienced old chain games (represented by #Gala) and new chain games (represented by #PIXEL ) have also begun to rise. Binance has also been continuously adding tokens in the chain game sector, and the big scene There are also many large-scale chain games with high playability, so everyone must pay attention to the game sector next. Wealth password:

1. Three veteran old chain games:#SAND#MANA #GALA

2. New chain game:#BIGTIME#XAI#ACE#PIXEL

3. Chain game guild:#YGG(no matter what chain game is inseparable from the guild) 4.#Defiinfrastructure#JUP(belongs to the#Solanaecosystem)


